(no subject)

Mar 22, 2005 10:09

Hello Friends! I have had a lot on my mind lately. Dave and I have been talking a lot within the past couple months about getting pregnant and yesterday something happened that scared me a bit. A dear friend informed me that her sister, who was 5 months pregnant, miscarried. Wow, 5 months is over half way there. I can't imagine how hard that would be. When Dave and I first got married and for a long time I feared miscarrying (not that I was even pregnant or trying to be). That fear seemed to pass and then I got really excited about someday having a baby. Now, after hearing this news, it shakes me a little bit again. But I know God is in control and even a miscarriage is in His hands. He knows what He's doing, I mean really, He IS God.

Easter break is coming up. Dave has Thursday and Friday off and although I have to work on Thursday I am excited to have Friday off. I don't know what we're gonna do but that's ok. We're still working on packing, have some errands to run, need to have our Kia checked out (check engine light is on). Dave's still working on his correspondence class and is about half way done. He wants to haul through it this weekend. It'll be nice to get that done before the summer.

We're getting excited about graduation! Greg and Andrea told us yesterday they may not be able to make it which would be sad. But we'll get to see them shortly after in CO. Melissa was excited to see them again (mostly Ryley)so she'll be disappointed. Dave's parents are coming and we're not sure about anyone else. It'll be an exciting weekend for us since we're moving only days afterward. :-) Yea!!

That's it for now,
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