Ok, so we have had a hard time keeping up with this LJ but I would like to get better at it in case anyone still checks it. A lot has happened in the past few months. I am pregnant and doing great! I enjoy being pregnant and can't wait until we have this baby. We had an ultra sound last week and saw our little one. We didn't want to know the gender of our baby but it was wonderful to see the baby moving and sucking his/her thumb. We got some measurements and it looks like I am farther along then I had thought. The measurements put me at a due date of Feb. 19th but my midwife said she is going to stick with Feb. 22nd which is only a couple days later. So I am more then half way there and that's exciting and what adds to the excitement is that we have our OWN place to bring the baby home to. We bought a condo here in Grand Junction, CO and we moved all our belongings in yesterday. So, today is our first full day in the condo. Dave is at work so I am here alone and after two months of always having family around it's a little lonely. We don't have our internet set up yet but the church across the street has wireless so we can occasionally get a weak connection which is kinda cool. I took Dave to work at 7:45 this morning, came home to shower and then headed to Walmart. We had no food in the house and I would need lunch! Then I worked up until now (2 PM-ish) in the kitchen unpacking a million boxes and figuring out where to put everything. I feel like I haven't even put a dent in the boxes that are cramping our space. It will take us awhile to get settled. But it is fun to open boxes and see all our belongings that have been packed away since May. Anyway, once we get settled I will post some pictures of our new place. Please check out our baby's site and sign the guest book:
http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/a/awolde/ and put a guess into our baby pool at:
http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/a/awolde/ game name is "Oldenkamp".
This is me at 21 weeks pregnant:
Here is our little baby sucking his/her thumb: