I think the next most important thing you need to know is that many times during the day I am bored out of my ever loving skull. Often it makes me want to put a fork through my skull just to end the tediousness of it all. But luckily for me, I have found the Maryland Boating Safety website, which not only allows me to study for the Maryland Safe Boater’s Certificate I have to have, it lets me take the test right online. How sweet is that?? So, needless to say, I will be spending much of the day doing that. The fun thing is, the review is broken up into chapters and you can take the end-of-the-chapter quiz to skip the chapter, but you can’t move on to the next one until you pass the quiz with an 80% or higher. So, all the basic stuff, like left is port, right is starboard, I can quiz out of, without having to read the chapter. The bad thing is, if you fail the quiz, you can’t take it again until you read (or at least open) every section of that chapter. I found this out when I thought, “hell, I know nothing about Maryland’s safety requirements, but I’ll guess my way through it.” I thought I had them. Turns out they had me. The good thing about this is, for anyone wishing to get a job in the state of Maryland maritime industry (Cruddybutts), it frees you up from having to take an actual, you know, class.
In other news, my brother put in an offer on a new house and it was accepted, so yay for him. In the meantime, he is looking to sell his house in SW Vancouver, so if anyone is looking for a sweet house in the Salmon Creek area, let me know. I’ll put ya in touch. I’m gonna post the info on my little Lewis and Clark list-serv too, so it could go quickly, yo. Seriously, though, greatest.house.ever. So sad to see it go, but, alas, that is the way of the world. Time marches on. Oh so some great country singer once told me. Tracy Lawrence or some such artist. Okay, so maybe not a great country singer. Perhaps I should stop babbling about country singers. Perhaps I should stop babbling in general…
Ok, so here is some exciting news. I might have a place to live when I move to Portland. I’m on this list-serv for admitted students to L&C and the other day this girl emailed and was all, I’m buying this house near school, I’m looking for roommates, etc, etc, so I emailed her back and told her I have a dog and would that be a problem and she said no. And she seems super-nice, so hopefully that will all work out. The house has to “go through escrow,” which means nothing to me having never actually lived in a house, but she said she’ll keep me posted and we seem to be fairly compatible… until I move in and she realizes I’m the roommate from hell. But we’ll just keep that little secret safe. Right here. On the Internet. Where everything is private.
And speaking of private, I was on the phone with a certain boy last night, who shall remain nameless, to protect him from impending incarceration, and this boy and I were discussing the possibility that this
whole beheading situation could very well have been staged by the CIA as an attempt to deflect attention form the
Abu Gharib scandal. And as much as that freaks me out, I think it’s entirely too possible that it could very well be true. I hate living in this country right now. For the first time in my life, I am ashamed to be an American.
That is all.