May 01, 2005 17:24
what a glorious sunday...i awakened around 11:30...i missed church...oops...but i took a long, luxurious shower...followed by breakfast on the terrace...then i took my laptop and books outside and worked on my research paper...all on the terrace...and it was absolutely gorgeous...a little breezy...but gorgeous nonetheless...i had all my meals out here, today...the rest of the fam is at the lake...and while i'm sure i would have enjoyed myself there, the alone time here, in this absolutely heavenly haven, has been invaluable...i got a ton of work done (i finally finished the beast)...and i'm relaxed...which is EXCELLENT...
i go back to school tomorrow midday...gotta do some last minute studying for my calc final on tuesday morning...then i'm officially done with my first year of university...'tis craziness...'tis gone by soooo quickly...i'm really going to miss everyone...but at least i'll get to see some peoples i haven't seen since last summer...or very little since last summer...which will be nice...i just feel so OLD...
last night was spent with megan and the ashley...'twas fabulous times...except for ashley's streptococcus...that wasn't any fun...i hope she feels better soon..! (p.s. those tonsils are SOOO coming out)...
then i went to bed...after wrestling with the AIM virus that a friend's buddlist sent me...i'm still having problems...i guess i'll just have to take it to Information Systems at school...or just deal with the AIM alternative until fall semester...or any number of other options...we shall see...
a week from yesterday i head off to Oak Island in Wilmington...for ten fabulous days at the beach with some wake kids...hurray for friends with beach houses...and siblings with the ability to provide us with alcoholic beverages...good times will undoubtedly be had...and i'll have to enjoy it...since the day after i get back, i have the great fortune of having all FOUR of my wisdom teeth extracted...i just can't wait for the nitrous it pathetic that i've already created a playlist on my iPOD called wisdom teeth..?
well's getting slightly chilly out i think i'll head in...and maybe work out for a bit...then hit the hot tub...then the shower...then off to bed EARLY...hurray..!