NANACA CRASH! this game owns. i've been playing it for hours. all the insrtuctions are in gook or something but i figured it out. basically some chick hits you with a bike and you go flying and there a bunch of people that you can hit and you're trying to go as far as possible.
theres a few different people:
BOOST PEOPLE: if you hit these people the will boost you forward
BLOCK CHICK: if you hit this chick she doesnt slow you down or anything but the next person you hit you won't really hit them she moves them out of the way
STOP CHICK: stops you
ANLE UP/DOWN GUY: this guy is the most annoying guy of all. if you hit him your angle goes up so you go really high instead of going really far. if you hit him again or get certain specials your angle goes down again.
SLOW DOWN GUY: slows you down
now that you know the people, heres some other stuff.
AERIALS: when the camera zooms out a little but you are still on the screen (if you go too high you go off the screen, and if you are too low the camera is zoomed in) and you click, the bike chick will come and smash you again. theres the word AERIAL on the left of the screen and if it's red she'll boost you up and if it's blue she'll boost you down.
SPECIALS: heres where it really gets interesting. on the right side of the screen theres a row of portraits of all the boost people and the stop chick. if you hit someone when their portrait is lit up the word SPECIAL appears on the screen in big red letters. click anywhere on the screen to activate the special. it will boost you really really far.
STOP CHICK: if you get a boost her portrait will light up, if you hit a non-boost person or hit the ground her portrait will un-light up
BROWN DRESS BOOST CHICK: the chick in the brown dress's portrait lights up when you hit her, it stays lit up until you boost with another boost person
BLUE/BLONDE BOOST GIRLS: the blue and the blonde boost girls' special is a team special, whenever they are right next to each other and you hit the first one you can get a special. their special is to knowck you into the other one and they both boost you
SPECIAL SPECAILS: whenever you hit the block chick a red X appears over the special portraits box (as seen in my screenshot below) and every once in a whil it flashes BLOCK CHICK vs. CFF. basically, if you are blicked and the special for either the blue or blonde haired chicks special becomes availible and you hit them you get the best specials. if its the blue haired chick you fly really fast above the heads of everyone for 100 seconds and if you hit the blonde haired chick you become all elasticy so you dont lose much momentum per bounce as you usually do until it wears off.
the best way to start off is get an angle between 5 and 10 degrees so that you hit the first person. if the first person is the stop chick, angle up guy, anyone besides the boost people just go to MENU and TRY AGAIN
my record: