the variable

Dec 12, 2009 03:13

I'm about two thirds through Audrey Niffenegger's The Time Traveler's Wife, and it's completely hooked me in. I was never a keen fan of time travel until I rewatched Lost's fifth season a month or two ago.

I can't remember ever reading a book that I loved so much that I wanted to keep myself from reading it so that I would avoid finishing it. Does that make sense? I think it's because, when I began reading it, I was actively willing myself to see the characters as being completely separate from what I've seen of them from the film's trailer (which I will never bring myself to see now!). Now that I have this completely personal idea of them, I really don't want to get to the end because I can just tell it's not gonna be a happy one for them.

I think the thing about this story that wrenches my heart (to be completely mushy) the most is the fact that there's no beginning to their relationship. Did their relationship begin when Henry stumbled across the child version of his future wife? Or when Henry first met Clare in 'real time' and she told him of their previous meetings - which led to their relationship and Henry's eventual recognition of the child-Clare?
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