we survive; we always survive (a dark comedy)

Jul 09, 2012 22:53

summary: a vicious and mysterious zombie epidemic wipes out whole cities across the united states, leaving our girls with no option but to take to the road on a mad-cap roadtrip that might never end (until they run out of gas, that is). during this adventure, bonnie, caroline and elena discover just how much they're willing to do to survive. this ( Read more... )

character: bonnie bennett, alternate universe, character: elena gilbert, fic type: one-shot, genre: drama, character: caroline forbes, bear with me, rating: t, femslash, tv: the vampire diaries, writing: how the hell do you do it?

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angryzen July 10 2012, 07:04:14 UTC
Hands on my face and stars in my eyes. I don't do zombies, but I like this. My favorite parts are Caroline feeding on Bonnie while Elena watches without blinking (because that's very important) and them asking Bonnie to cast a spell. There's something so innocent about the latter.

Ugh, I miss sex.

Me too.

Well, I never actually got to have sex-but I miss it in theory.


Shut up.

So sad. I trust they showed her what she'd been missing.

Bonnie killed Jeremy.

I take what I can get. What?

I imagine most of the dialogue taking place between Caroline and Elena (since it wasn't specified for the most part), but Bonnie would suggest keeping the guy. And they'd look at her like, "I never expected that would come from you," and it would only be because they weren't paying close enough attention. It happens more in Fandom than it does in canon, but eh. You captured it here.

Lastly, I loved the characterization of the three girls when it came to trapping the hitchhikers: Caroline being all open and flirty and sunshine, Elena being inviting and nice, and Bonnie pretty much blending into the furniture, there and condoning but not necessarily gung-ho or comfortable with being an active agent and pushing the traps forward.


ladygawain July 10 2012, 07:28:28 UTC
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! But zombies are such sparkling characters, bb :)

(yes it is so important, that scene was the actual sex scene of the story tbqh)

And you can be rest assured Caroline and Elena showed Bonnie everything she was missing and more.

Lol, I put that in for you, if anyone's going to get to kill Jerbear, it's going to be Bonnie Bennett. Accept no substitutes.

It was mostly Caroline and Elena except for the bits with the obvious moral conscience like you picked out, and where it's clear there's a third voice coming. But that bit where someone asks if what they're doing is wrong, I wrote as Bonnie being the one to do the justification and Elena and Caroline showing a bit of unsureness. Lol, it's mixed in some spots, I guess.

Hee, yes thank you, that was one of my favourite bits just because Bonnie's as complicit in this mess as the rest of them but she's always so uncomfortable in that space because of her many issues with morality blahblah.

Thank you, my dear!

p.s. i miss you.


angryzen July 10 2012, 16:39:04 UTC
Lol, I put that in for you,

This makes me so happy!!!!! Thank you!

I forgot to say that another scene I loved was the sleeping arrangement with Elena always having a crushing hold on Bonnie's hand and even when Bonnie protests, she barely loosens up.

Yeah, I picked up on that one because of the amendment from "You" to "We don't have a choice."

No problem!

And I miss you too!


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