Political opinions follow. Gakked from
dana3 . Cut for kindness.
Are you for or against abortion?
I personally do not believe in abortion, however, I also do not believe either I or society have the right to dictate someone else's choices.
Would the United States fall with a woman president?
You're kidding, right? Women have a basic biological difference that predisposes them to working towards peace. Carry a child in your womb for 9 mos and see how much more you value life. Until men can carry children to term, I think women overall make better political leaders.
Do you believe in the death penalty?
Yes and no. My personal beliefs do not accord with capital punishment, however, each time I read a news story like the Canada bus passenger beheading a fellow passenger, I move closer towards believing society might be better off if that person's life was terminated in the same way he terminated that young man's life.
Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
I believe all drugs should be legalized, and taxed. If people want to fuck up their minds, let them. Just make sure they give up their rights for social security, disability, welfare or any other benefit. You choose to play with fire, be prepared to live with the burns afterwards.
Do you believe in God?
It might surprise some people, but yes, I do believe in god. I may not practice the same religion as the majority of the world, but I do believe in god. I do NOT believe in Christianity and have not for a long time.
Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
Surprisingly, I am probably the only gay man on the planet that is ambivalent about this issue. Having been married three times (twice to women and once to a man), I can't say I really believe in marriage at all. I think I would be happier if marriage as a legal contract and marriage as a religious belief were complete and utterly separated. Religion and the law do not mix.
Do you think it's wrong that so many Hispanics are moving to the USA?
Was it wrong that so many Italians moved to the U.S.? How about Irish? How about puritanical Christians that imposed their beliefs on the indigenous people of this continent (not to mention the rest of the world)? I have many hispanic friends, and find them to be honest, industrious and all around good people. I also believe that there should be no borders and people should be free to live wherever they choose.
A twelve year old girl has a baby...should she keep it?
I can't answer this question without a whole lot more information.
Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18?
I think there should be no drinking age and parents should instill values into their children that respect the proper use of alcohol.
Assisted suicide is illegal...do you agree?
As with abortion, I personally do not believe in suicide in any form. Yet, I also do not believe I have the right to take away another being's choice in this matter.
Do you believe in spanking your children?
Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
For money? No. But note that you will not find an American flag displayed on my home.
A mother is declared innocent after murdering her 5 children in a temporary insanity case, do you agree?
I really struggle with this particular scenario. It is one of the myriad reasons I chose not to finish law school and become a lawyer.
dana3 was correct, however, in that she was not found innocent. She was found not guilty by reason of insanity--a fine line to some, but a major difference under the law. She will never be allowed back out in society until she can prove she is fully balanced emotionally and mentally. Will that ever happen? I sincerely doubt it.
Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
if I was worried about how people judged me, I wouldn't post these answers at all. I am who I am and if you don't like it follow the middle finger.