Apr 03, 2012 22:08
THere are apparently particular set ways that people perceive the world and the people around them. I like to automatically think I know what other people are thinking (about me) and judging (about me) which usually tends to be negative (-ly about me).
Tonight was a perfect example. I must have looked INSANE biking back home alternately forcing myself to take deep breaths and yelling at myself out loud. I think I might be insane since that is not the first time I've done that.
Other than that, my night was quite nice. I got to be present for a really good conversation about white privilege/racism/white supremacy starting in regards to Trayvon Martin but covering educational systems, residential neighborhoods and all sorts of in between. It was really nice to finally be a part of those types of discussions again.
This vegan feminist guy I've mentioned to certain numbers of you on FB is friends with a really good group of people, some of whom I met on Sunday and they are exactly the type of people I feel like I've missed hanging out with since college. It filled a hole in my soul. Hah. I'm such an unintentional rhyme master. (He was also a part of the anxiety filled mind-reading panic attack filled ride home. Or maybe most...)
mind reading,