It took me a little while to come up with these things. Thanks to
goddessofbirth and
bigbadjayne and
dtsguruRules are simple: List 15 things people don't know…or might be afraid to know.
1. I may not believe in a God, but I believe in something beyond human kind. a presence.
2. I ran with clippers in my hand when I was young. I have the scar near my eye to prove it.
3. I peed my pants when I was in middle school.
4. I have an eating disorder of some degree of severity. Of the binging kind. I will eat even if I don't like something that much if it's put in front of me.
5. Every time I'm near a train, I always wonder what it would be like to throw myself in front of it. I scare the shit out of myself sometimes. If it ever gets to be worse at all, I'm definitely getting help, but right now, I think it's a morbid curiousity thing.
6. I'm pretty sure my libido is close to 0 for men. Sex is not highest on my priority list. I'm not sure about women, though I think it might be slightly higher..
7. I believe the world is fucked. Which is one reason I'm probably not bringing kids into it.
8. I'm not entirely sure how much we can do about that, but I'm doing my damndest. Partly so I can say I told you so. And karma.
9. Where I land on the gender scale varies day by day. Some days I feel super uber feminine. Other days, not so much.
10. Even though I was a women's studies major, I still find myself thinking sexist crap.
11. Even though I identify as bisexual, I still think homophobic crap.
12. I bake things so people will like me.
13. I am really dependent on how other people think of me. More than I should be.
14. It is very very hard for me to keep a secret from someone if I actually remember it while they are around.
15. There are days where all I want to do is scream at the world and then crawl under my covers and sob myself to sleep. For NO reason whatsoever.