
Nov 08, 2011 19:54

Firstly, My nano is going... interestingly. I'm certainly getting writing done, though not as much as I'd like, sadly.

On to the Meme! (Courtesy bigbadjayne and "lj user="cedelede">)

I Love A Meme

Names you've gone by-

Emily, Em, Neumann, online-lillianp, neu, neumann
Three things you're wearing right now-

1) Vote for Love shirt

2) Jeans

3) bright pink bra (because I had to go there)

Things you want very badly-

1) My friends to be happy and have fulfilling lives.<-Leaving Greg's

2) For people to stop challenging MY RIGHT TO DECIDE WHAT THE CRAP TO DO WITH MY BODY.

3) To figure out my goals in life

4) My own place.<-I'm seriously thinking about that myself. I think I might be able to afford it this time next year.

5) For this world to see how fucked we are and actually care and try to mitigate some of it. (Climate Change, not other activist issues)

6) To have time to spend a night with my boyfriend and have both of us NOT BE SICK and NOT BE EXHAUSTED. Thank you very much.

Three things you did last night-

1) Wrote for nanowrimo

2) Chatted on g-chat with the boyfriend.

3) Watched Once Upon a Time. (I like it!)

Three people you last talked to on the phone-

1) An unknown number that I talked to someone on... Maybe Jean.

2) Ma maman

3) I wish I could say J!! But I only talked to his voicemail. It was K instead.

Three things you are going to do tomorrow-

1) Work overtime.

2) Go to the write in and hopefully get some good writing in.

3) Skype chat...I'm an addict, lol. <-Probably not, sadly. Do a workout probably.

Four of your favorite drinks-

1) WATER!!!!

2) Pomegranate green tea

3) Apple Cider

4) Hard Cider

Things that made you smile today-

1) Not much to make me smile today. (It wasn't a bad day, just not a great one.. I've been having a lot of those)

2) Giving my coworker a really hard time for not realizing my headphones were in and therefore I couldn't hear him.

3) Meh.

People you hope will do the meme-

The Rafia. Yeah...gotta go with this one :)<--Me too. PLUS the gang from Woostah.

life, meme, work

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