(no subject)

Jul 11, 2011 22:08

I should start from the beginning.

Several of you are on twitter. You might have seen me retweet something along the lines of "Admit that your cravings are just what you want, not actual cravings for food" I don't know. (on Saturday) Conciser than that, but essentially the message. It was a somewhat inflammatory tone, but I like those sometimes, since they're interesting.

Anyways, close acquaintance/friend tweeted back at me yesterday that I should 'have fun being preachy' *unfollow*

That made me really mad. That he'd stop following me on twitter after one tweet that wasn't even specifically mine in the first fragging place. Rude and uncalled for.

I thought he liked me better than 'blow off just like some random person I was following that I don't know'.

I guess not. He preaches live your own life, blah blah as long as you don't impinge on me, which I think is an interesting philosophy, but it's quite annoying at times.

I don't know. I thought of all the negative things I could of him in the last day. Someone tell me i'm right and he's being an idiot? Please?


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