Yay more memes.

Jun 01, 2011 23:20

Pick five of your favorite shows (in no particular order) and answer the following questions about them.
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Lost
3. Firefly
4. Chuck
5. Bones

Who is your favorite character in #2?
Sawyer. Hands down.

Who is your least favorite character in #1?
That male nurse of Bailey's. I want to stab him. "I'm the man in the bed." Blegh. Gross.

What’s your favorite episode of #4?
I have to pick a favorite? Yeesh. I dunno. I really like any of them that get more Casey-centric. I liked that one where he had to reveal himself to his daughter because of all the shit going down.

What is your favorite season of #5?
This latest one. Because now there's Bones/Brennan. Yum.

What’s your favorite relationship in #3?
Jayne and River. I like shipping them, but in response to this question, I'm specifically referring to the way they canonically interact in the series. I think it's awesome. And hilarious.

Who is your anti-relationship in #2?
Jack/Kate. Though I'm a Sawyer/Juliet fan now (it took a bit, but I bought in eventually), I still don't like Jack/Kate. Or Sayid/Shannon. That one wasn't so hot for me.

How long have you watched #1?
Well, I started watching marathons of it Summer 2008 when I didn't know anyone in DC (I'd literally sit in the living room and watch it *cough* on my computer *cough* for 4-6 hours at a time. I was that bored.) And I caught up with it in the last few months. Probably ignore it when it's actually on TV though.

How did you become interested in #3?
Ironically, this is a really similar response to phairy. Sarah and Gen both talked about Firefly and Sarah had it lying around in Gay House senior year so I borrowed it and went through it in about 5 days. I was then hooked.

Who is your favorite actor in #4?
Um. I think this is obvious. Adam Baldwin!! But I love Zachary Levi too.

Which show do you prefer out of #1, 2, or 5?
Given that Bones is still on, I'll stick with that. Probably stick with it anyways.

Which show have you seen more episodes of, #1 or 3?
*sad face* #1. But only because #3 has limited episodes and one movie not five bajillion seasons.

If you could be anyone from #4, who would you be?
Oooh... Well, I really like Casey's daughter, whose name I'm currently blanking on and I like her character so I think she'd be neat to be.. but then I'd be related to Casey so I couldn't drool over him... And if I were Sarah I couldn't drool over him. But if I were Ellie, I'd have to only drool over Awesome. Fudge. I can't decide.

How would you kill off your favorite character in #2?
Uh, what? I think he's the only one who didn't die. :) He would die eventually when he had a successor. That's all I'll say. I won't even say who he is for those of you who haven't seen the end.

Give a random quote from #1.
"Remember when I told you that opening the Agent X file would draw out a remorseless son-of-a-bitch who would destroy our whole team without breaking a sweat? This is the guy they hired to kill that guy."

Would a #3/4 crossover work?
It's been done. Fairly well, actually. *bows to goddessofbirth and others.*

Pair two characters in #1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple.

Overall, which show has a better cast, #3 or 5?
Oooh, I dunno. Bones has nerded about Firefly so I have to give them credit and they do a really good job. But.... Firefly was just so damn good. So I think that.

Which has better theme music, #2 or 4?
Eh to both.

life, meme

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