[Log] 2008-01-20 / evening (2)

Jan 21, 2008 23:28

Characters: Hina, Subaru
Location: The same hotel somewhere in Tokyo
Rating: not rated
Summary: Hina makes a visit to Subaru's hotel room where he finds an unusually positive thinking Subaru. Due to the changes of privileges (who would want Yasu getting jealous?) they decide to stop all misunderstoodable acts of friendship (such as sharing beds).
Warnings: none

Hina got back from work late. He'd been chatting much with the staff and everyone and then they decided to go for a drink and well... time was flying in Tokyo.
Past midnight already and another show the next day... Hina let out a little sigh. If it was all stressy like this, he shouldn't have gone drinking in the first place. But he decided to not regret it either, it couldn't be undone and the time was spent in a nice atmosphere.

All lost in thoughts on the way through the corridor of the hotel, he passed the door of Subaru's room. For a moment he stood still and wondered if the other was sleeping already. Knocked at the door softly.

♫log: shibutani, ♫log, ♫log: finished, ♫log: murakami

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