I have to go and get ready for going out, but I wanted to say that I loved Watchmen so much!!! I got chills in many scenes and everyone was perfect. The only problem is that it felt a bit long, but probably if they had cut it I would feel annoyed that they cut something so xD I sent iamwhitelady a text when I left the cinema that said: HOLY SHIT HOW AWESOME WAS THAT? so yeah...
And the trailers!! We got Transformers 2 which looks FREAKING AWESOME although I still haven't finished watching the first xD Imagine watching that on IMAX :O and also the new Star Trek!! I don't like Zach Quinto's dubbed voice :( It doesn't feel like him! And I demand more Simon in previews because I love seeing him on the big screen xD
Oh and there was a fanboy sitting next to me. First he was telling his girlfriend about the time he went with his friends to Bilbao to watch the three LotR films on the same day on the cinema. And then during one Watchmen scene (he hadn't read the novel though) he totally jumped in his seat and started flailing!!! I was like DUDE WTF CHILL
OH!!! And one little thing about Watchmen that made me flail