(no subject)

Mar 05, 2009 14:33

- I don't have time to watch Lost today!! :O I usually watch it after class but today I went for coffee with my friend, and I don't know what I'll be watching tonight. But there's a week hiatus so there's no hurry xD thank god.

- Yesterday I didn't go to class because it was like a hurricane, rain, wind and hail, so I spent the whole morning online and watching all the shows I had, Skins, Dollhouse and Chuck. At least I studied some French (online of course xD)

- I haven't done anything driving related for two weeks ugh. I'm going to take the book with me today so I can read what I have left on the bus.

- The protocol course is fun, the teacher is really funny, but don't ever try to outsmart him because wow, he really can bitch slap you xDDD But yeah, leaving home at 4.45 and then coming back at 9.15 is not fun at all.

- We might go to see my cousin and her baby on the 20th of March. I heard my parents talk about taking that week off, because my dad had some days, and I wanted them to leave somewhere so I could invite my friends, but if they are going to see my cousin I want to go too! So no slumber party for us xD Also now that we are convinced to go see the football match, that day we can't go, and they don't play again until the 18th April *pouts*

rl: travel, tv, rl

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