I just did the first part of my German exam! It wasn't super easy, but not extremely difficult either. I was very afraid of the writing part but it was an email talking about what you were going to do in the holidays and a description of your dream house. The last one might be a bit meh, but I least it wasn't something about work, because I have no idea of any vocabulary related to that xD I have the speaking the 10th June, I hope I study a bit beforehand!!
Yesterday I started working at the film festival. The director told me he wanted me to be there until November, so yay! I still don't know anything about my holidays. I didn't do much yesterday, I read some documents about the festival and "checked in" a few films and shorts that have arrived. My mother said that I could brag about what directors and films I knew but I honestly have never heard about half of the people they talk about xD and the ones I know are because they've come to the festival in the last two years.
My spacebar has just decided she wants to leave my laptop keyboard, so I'm going to fix her.
Oh and btw, watch the new Scott Pilgrim trailer. It's the most amazing trailer I've ever seen!! (I hope it doesn't break your layout!)
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