I've wanted to celebrate St Paddy's for a couple of years but since it's on week days, no dice. I hope one day when it's on the weekend I'll go and drink a lot of beer at a pub haha. I did wear my four-leaf clover knickers, though it was because they were at the top of my drawer, but hey, nice coincidence.
A couple of days ago (or was it yesterday, I don't know!) I started watching Community. I just finished with the latest episode. It's really good. Hilarious and not meaningless, and I love that all the characters hang out with each other in every combination possible. Abed and Troy are amazing and I loved the Fievel reference. I do have to pay a lot of attention to get all the little jokes, but it's worth it. I also pause it to see what's written on the Spanish class blackboard haha. And since I read that Joel McHale got hairplugs I can't stop looking at his hair xD I know I'm not the only one but gosh it's so weird, I find him hot but at the same time he's not attractive. I don't know! I must admit that even though I wanted to watch this eventually, I finally gave in when I heard great things about him being shirtless... hahaha. I was not disappointed.
Aaand about The Pacific,
I really liked it, of course. I can't say much about the characters because we don't really know them yet, but I must say I adore Philips. And was shocked to see that the actor playing him was actually 32 and not 18. I want to know what kind of water he drinks hah. The little documentary they showed in the beginning was something HBO asked Hanks and Spielberg to include, and I'm glad because I know next to nothing about WWII so it helps a lot. Also glad to see that they show the veterans talking, I hope the revelation of who is who will be as powerful as it was in BoB (I still can't think of Malarkey without my heart breaking up a little). The scene with the Japanese soldier was very disturbing. I felt so bad for that guy, he just lost his whole company and now these idiots torture him. I guess there will be more scenes like this, the guys in Europe ended up respecting the Germans as equals, but at the PTO it was a different story.
To finish this post, I leave you with the first
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World teaser poster. That image is taken from a panel in the first book. And on Friday they'll announce when the last book is coming out!