- RL: I went sale shopping the other day but I bought nothing. I tried on a cute skirt but the small size was too small and the medium was too big, apparently women are not supposed to have big hips? whatever xD I also saw a cute coat but they didn't have my size and a shirt but the queue for paying was too long and I was a bit pissed off so bleh! But I went today again and I finally bought a coat,
it's pretty cute. At first I didn't want to buy it because it was expensive but my mum insisted on it.
- TV: I love Chuck. It's so good! I laughed quite a bit during the two Sunday episodes, and the one yesterday was fun too. It was good to see the Awesomes doing more things. I also really liked HIMYM. I don't want to make cuts so I won't say anything else xD Those of you who have seen it I hope will agree with me.
- Films: Where the Wild Things Are: I really liked it. It was so beautifully shot, basically all scenes are during sunset or sunrise so it looks gorgeous. I kept wondering how difficult it may have been shooting those scenes in such a short amount of time. The monsters were great, really well made. And of course the story was good. I've read people's reactions where they talk about how they remembered feeling like Max and so they related to it and loved it, but I must admit I don't remember feeling like that. Maybe like the "goat" monster, that nobody listened to what he said XD I still feel like that now sometimes hah.
The Host: I had read incredible reviews and so I was a bit disappointed with it because even though I liked it it wasn't that awesome. It had a couple of really funny moments and a very relatable characters. I also watched it with ad breaks so that also made me wonder how long was left.
aaand I think that's all I needed to talk about in these few days. I started at the Language School again but I have nothing to say about that. Other than that I have to remember to do my homework tomorrow xD