So.....some of you may be aware that I have been without my laptop for 2 weeks - eek! My hard drive died, and I have learnt a very valuable lesson in backing up! I am gradually getting things back together, but if you've been waiting for anything from me and haven't received it, that's why. Just nudge me by email :)
Today I have it back and working, (my many thanks to Dave, my bro, the ebay man and the pc world dudes). It will be a while before everything is running completely smoothly again, but I am on the way and feeling good. I have spent quite a bit of time today researching one of my recent interests (I guess I should be flat out working, but who wants to live that way?!): Raw food.
I first heard any real information about raw food when I met a raw foodie on a retreat 2 years ago. She had loads of food with her, and let me try lots of exciting things, and really raved about the lifestyle (although she was not 100% raw). Prior to meeting her, I had only heard of raw food in passing. I think I thought it was a fad diet, new age nonsense, extreme eating for the weird. I never considered the benefits of eating live, raw food compared to dead, processed food (should be obvious to an energy worker, but hey!). Then earlier this year I met a raw vegan who is very into nutrition for healing, juice fasting that sort of thing, and I think that is what really got me interested, so I did some googling. Since then I've been dabbling, and I feel much more energised when eating lots of raw foods. I've noticed that I can feel a difference that same day, and I wake up the next day feeling like I have slept differently. And when I eat processed or sugary, refined food, I feel, well, crappy. I can feel the raw food releasing old, negative energies, and I am intrigued by what a healing experienced going raw would be.
I am quite open and light in my energies as a rule, and particularly now I do so much energy work, I think a world without grounding carbs is not a world for me to live in. But I have discovered that even being partially raw can be beneficial. Especially since when dabbling I have discovered that my body usually doesn't want any bad food if I start the day eating well, so the cooked food will usually be healthy anyway. (I have also discovered that if I start the day with toast or cereal and then have a raw lunch, I don't feel nearly as much benefit to my energy levels as I do when I have fresh fruit for brekkie and then a cooked lunch.) So, today I did the most researching I've done so far, and I found a good starter plan from the
Raw Food Coach and tomorrow I will get going on it.
For those friends of mine who are knowledgeable about such things, comments are welcome :) If there are any interesting results, I will let you know about them!