Yeah, I totally suck at this whole idea of posting when I'm supposed to. My bad.
I was able to get in another 1500 words today on the next chapter of TUE!!! It's coming along pretty well now, and I reckon a couple more days of concentrated writing will get it ready for you all to read.
I'm having trouble getting my creative juices flowing at the moment with regards to anything else I want to write, so I feel this is the perfect moment to indulge in a little challenge!
Seeing as we are currently having a major Guns withdrawal right now (*sadface*), I will endevour to make you all very little happy bunnies with a little fic challenge!!!
- Just comment with a prompt! - It can be a single word, a sentence, it doesn't matter! Anything you want, put it down!
- It can be absolutely anything! - Nothing is off limits! It can be a kink, it can be dark, it can be fluffy, it can be dirty, it can be your biggest fantasy! The only requirement is that it has to have the Guns in it. Other than that, go for it!!!
- I will then write you a fic! Presto!
Go on, you know you want some Guns fics :P
Current prompts that will be written:
- "Cold" - For the lovely sparkly_shiny
- "The Guns are separated for a month due to Chris' injury, but when Alex comes back, Chris shows him all the things the doctor said that he can now do..." - For the awesome darkangel_0410
- "The Guns, Evan, a bottle of alcohol and really, really long piece of rope" - For the brilliant rfg_72
- Handcuffs!" - For the ever incredible mamasmurff
- "Dom/Sub" - For the fabulous enigmatic_raven DONE!
- "Chris gets knocked out in the ring and Alex takes care of him..." - For the amazing retroginger
- "The Guns go Xmas shopping for each other..." - For the terrific rfg_72
- "Velvet suggests that Alex joins her and Chris for a threesome, but along the way, Alex and Chris discover that they're much more interested in each other - For the cool anyaofcymru DONE!
- "Car Sex!" - For my epicly spectacular and one of a kind partner in crime/MCMGaholic rko_jc_4eva
- "When Alex discovers that Chris' new ACL came from a cadaver, he becomes obsessed with the idea that Chris is going to turn into a zombie, much to Chris' annoyance (or should that be pleasure???)" - For the nervous newbie (sorry hun :P) anyaofcymru
- "Dom/Sub - Dom!Alex loses a bet with AJ and has to give up Sub!Chris for a night. After an uber-intense session with AJ, Chris returns to Alex for some comfort..." - For my faithful follower Katja
Keep them coming guys!!!!
Massive love to all my flist!!! <3 x