Mar 31, 2004 22:52
<<-+-((ThE BegiNinG))-+->>
Where are you right now? (I am not a stalker...): living room
Is there anyone with you?: my smoke
what are you doing?: this survey
What is the meaning of life?: To make a difference in somebodys life
Where do we REALLY go when we die?: you go where u belong, for me its anywhere Megan goes I hope
Is there an ultimate punishment for our so-called sins?: maybe
Do you have any pets?: yes i do
Do you like SkwerLz? : whoa what now?
What color socks do you have on (if any):white
Where is your Mommy?: In Vancouver....Dumb jerk What time is it?: 10:42pm
Do you hear anything? (if so what do you hear?): The T.v Are you wearing any pants?: Yeah
What do you think of the president?:War crazy bastard
Do you like Penguinz?: yeah they are cute
milk?: skim
snack-food?: fudgcicles
weather?: warm
brand of underwear?:thongs of any kind
On the opposite sex, which color underwear do you prefer on them?: ewwwwww boys
fruit?: mango
Cereal?: Life
Cheese?: chedder
Soda?: pepsie
Weapon?: nothing, weapons are wrong
animal to hunt?: NONE! hunting is horrible
word?: Love
<<-+-((WoRd AssoCiatIon))-+->>
beef: death
quarter: phone call
Sunday: church
fart: smelly
belt: waist
spork: fork/spoon
masturbator: Beth
horse: Wieser
milk: thirsty...which I am
cookies: hungry...which I'm not
Prozac: anger
Viagra: limpy
The Devil: evil
GOD: the father
SkwerL: whoa what now?
Penguin: awww
Depeds (adult diapers): grandparents
dildo: boy
pornography: stupid, yet ammusing
lemon: sour
squirt: gun
chief: First Nations class
Piggy: toes
<<-+-((ThiS oR ThAt))-+->>
Orange Juice or Beer: orange juice
Fart or Burp: burp
Rain or Puddles: puddles
Snow or Cheese: snow
Loud or Smelly: loud
Soft or Fragrant: soft
This or that: this
angel or devil: angel
eye or ear: eye
mouth or nostril: mouth
arm or leg: arm
butt or genitals: butt
saggy man titties or beef stroganoff: oh god neither
Pepsi or Mountain Dew: pepsi
Coke or Vanilla Coke: coke
Diet Coke with Lemon or Diet Coke with Lime: lemon Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi?: diet pepsi
Mountain Dew Original or Mountain Dew Code Red: code red
brother or sister: sister
fire or marshmallows: fire
<<-+-((THe EnD))-+->> ~/~or is it?~\~
Do you like fabric softener?: heck yeah, makes me smell good
Where's my moose?: stepping on my foot(inside joke with megan)
Did you bring me a monkey?: NEVER!!! MY monkey!!! Do you have to go to the bathroom?: I will by the time this stupid thing is over
what is your favorite place to be in your house?: my room did you have a name for your toilet?: yeah we call it the ring of fire(yet another inside joke, damn pyros)
what color is your toilet water?: clear
What do you smell?: my house
Why did Yankee Doodle stick a feather in his hat and name it Macaroni?: Because he wanted attention, just like the person who made this quiz,....bored much?!
Do you think this is enuff questions?: yeah like 20 questions back
It is 6:00 do you know where your children are?: I'm so never HAVING children, but I may adopt