Mar 11, 2004 15:12
Well since Beth decided to put my LJ addy in hers i figure a couple people might care to I should probably update this thing*yawns* funny thing about it....nothing special has happened since the laaaaaaaast time I posted. Welllll maybe a couple things. 1) me and my girl have been together a couple months now:):):) 2)Colleen turned sassy 17 today! I am throwing her a big party at my house on the 18:S I am kinda hoping its not another Amanda's birthday party in the making....I really dont want my balcony to collaps. uhhhh 3) They checked me for mono yet again....god...thats like the 5th time now. But as usual I dont have it....thank god, cause if I did...say goodbye to party, say hello to bed and non graduation chicky. I decided I am going to Malaspina College. Now the question is will they accept me:P oh god I am tired...thats what I get for spending 2 days lazing around my house acting sick....I go back to school and die of sleep deprevation...wait is that the word I'm looking for??? mmmmf I am to tired to say anymore...maybe I'll talk more later
Peace out one love