The big meeting

Feb 18, 2014 08:10

Today's the day.

We have a meeting with our three bosses to talk about the shelter situation for the asylum seekers. I'm not very good at talking with bosses especially in such a big group (we're going to be seven people) but it needs to be done.

I have to write down a few things I wanna say and I plan on saying them even though our department head doesn't want to hear it. I won't sugarcoat anything because he needs to understand that the current situation isn't going to work any longer and that we're not able to rent more and more apartments without any kind of additional help. And he needs to hear that we lost four offered apartments yesterday because the owners are not okay with our kind of occupancy. He also needs to hear about the problems the asylum seekers cause in the rented apartments and he needs to hear about the costs. And so on and so on. *sigh*

The bosses planned one hour for this meeting. I hope we can squeeze all the problems in 60 minutes.

I already feel exhausted.

life: work, me

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