Jan 03, 2010 19:26
I lie not, try it. Look down on your keyboard and behold, the SHIFT KEY! Upon engagement, 2010 will become @)!) which practically translates to censored cyber swearing! Like What the @#%(& and many more such like ensues.
HaHa. Tis not funny but I sit here sniggering to myself.
Alright I lie. I snigger not. I am outrightly laughing at my own pathetic joke which you readers(which equates to the grand total of a population of one{lets face it, this blog isn't exciting enough for people to gather round and read it like the funnies on a sunday}) will shake your heads and wonder why you even bother reading this blog site!
I'll tell you why. Its because...its because... its....
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Okay that was rather lame. I am in quite a strange and giggly mood. Maybe its the stars, maybe its the excessive carbohydrates I have ingested, maybe its all the semen, I mean sex that I have had in the last 24 hours. Whatever it is, I'm in a jolly good mood *fakes posh english accent ala the gorilla*
2010 is going to be a fanstastic year. I say so because I am full of mirth when I think of all the pathetic people out there who are worse than me, who think it is alright to actually type "then" as DEN and "know" as NOE. I swear, if I receive another text wishing me good things for the new year in sloppy text message lingo I will shove my fucking phone so far up their ass that perhaps only DEN WILLZ DEY NOE WAT HAPPIE NEW YR MEANZ! WTF RIGHT????! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! WHAT A FUCKING WASTE OF EDUCATION ON THESE FUCKTARDS.
Sorry. I digress. I cannot judge the goodness of one's heart and strength of character just BECUZ DEY DUNNOE HOW TO SPELLZ LORH.
Sorry big guy up there. I have passed judgement when I shouldn't have.*cowers while keeping a lookout for inevitable lightning*
Nah, its going to be fanstastic because things can only get better!
I'm not going to look back and reflect on what 2009 meant to me blah blah. Seriously that shit is boring and unfortunately cliche and rather passe. C'mon, look ahead not behind! Live in the present and not the past. For now it is the present. And now has past. And now it is too late to dwell for the future is now. Alas the now we had once known as the future and the present is now the past which was just.
I have to stop watching Futurama. Or reading strange books. I think it causes brain damage. In any case, here's your chance to kill some brain cells! Visit www.futurama-stream.com
In all honesty, I jump and giggle into the new year with all the hope and dreams typical of someone optimistically believing that one can etch out a better life for oneself and those all around with simple gestures. Like the single flap of the wings of a chaos butterfly. Or the accidental click of the "delete" button. Or the absurdly although highly possible accidental double click on the "no" button when one is prompted to save a file. This is starting to sound suspiciously like pessimism.
new year greetings!/ hangovers/ futurama