Bikram journal, in no particular order (3 classes this week so far)

Dec 24, 2008 12:34

So we're going to classes at the brand-new Redmond studio (Angela- 10 for $10 here, it's dirt cheap!), which has been interesting and good. It's a non-carpeted studio (doesn't stink- we turn toward the side mirror for some of the standing poses to stay on our mats), so it doesn't stink... the owner's on good terms with Bikram, and just didn't say anything (shh...). They're still working out the kinks in their heat/humidity configuration... one class was dry as a bone and it hurt to breathe, but it was much better the second two times. Much different teaching styles than I'm used to, but the really tough lady teacher has shown me some really important things. The classes have been tiny, and we've attended with Zach's mom and brother, and a couple who are friends of the family (D and M- M is a fantastic lady and might officiate our wedding).

Today was tough... drank a little too much wine last night and went to the only class of the day (10am). I almost fell on my face in padahastasana! Ridiculous. A couple classes back, I was asked to demo my Full Locust for the class, and was complimented on my 'beautiful' flexible spine. Today, I came about 5" from touching my head to my feet in final stretching! My elbows have almost reached the floor, and Brittany (tough lady!) had me keep grabbing my toes with my 'peace sign' fingers, while bringing my thumbs toward my face, aiming to touch my forehead on my thumbs. Soooo close. I know that if I ever did teacher training, I would get a 'number', as I'm positive I will be touching my head to my feet in the next while!!

My skin has gotten really bad... I've been eating things I don't normally (mm, white flour) and drinking a LOT of wine (mmm!), and forgot my tea tree oil, bummer. Working on that :( I'll probably have to make a few visits to a skin care specialist to get things cleared up before the wedding.

I might get to be a guinea pig pretty soon for a really well-known physiotherapist, who's a rock climbing buddy of my mom's awesome boyfriend- as an example of somebody with a chronic repetitive issue in my neck (musician problem). I'm really hoping this'll help with the arm burny problems again. He's buddy buddy with people like Paul Allen, and has worked on REM and Pearl Jam- holy @#*(!! Awesome! He's a professor of medical massage on top of a ton of other things, and a champion rock climber. We had a long discussion on engaging students and how to allocate time- we talked a lot about how to apply it to music lessons (pedagogy lecture from somebody, even though not a musician, who knows what he's talking about! It was awesome. I'll be integrating some of his ideas into my own work)... pretty amazing. Anyway, I'm excited for that.

bikram journal

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