(no subject)

Nov 28, 2005 10:59

heres an update. WOOO.

on wenesday before thanksgiving, scott and i went to red robin for some lunch. when we were driving back his tire was loose, so he tightened the lugnuts. then he went to britnays house and on his way home his tire flew off. so he got it back on and got it to her house and she drove him home...

Thanksgiving was fun. I like to eat. because Im fat. but I had to hold Arianna the whole time while I was eating and she kept trying to eat my food. haha. i gave her mashed potatoes.

friday we were going to go to my dads house but uh. obviously scotts car was ghey. so scruffy drove him to her house so he oculd fix it enough to get home, and he did.

saturday his brother was supposed to bring over some wrench and whatever but ended up not doing it.

sunday scruffy saved us again because he is the best person evaaar. he brought over some of his dads tools and those werent working[yeah he had to saw off 2 of the lugnuts and studs...] so they went back to scruffys house and got some more tools and mike and wes came with them. and aw fun times hanging out. so at 6 he finially got the studs off and yeah. they all had to drive to taunton so they left and scott was finishing until 8. so yeah. his car is semi okay. he needs to try and fix it better. so hopefully he can do that soon. and he has to fix the electical problem. only it has to go to a shop.

and today he started his new job!! yay. i hope it isnt ghey and shit.

um. yeah thats my weekend.
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