A week behind, but....

May 16, 2009 13:58

Yes, I agree. Star Trek was awesome!

And though it's *technically* an alternate universe-type reboot...TOS-characters are STILL the shit, and everyone played them PERFECTLY. The torch for my man-crush on Kirk has been successfully passed.

-Kirk seems to REALLY like getting beat up and hanging of the edge of cliffs. This needs to be a drinking game methinks.

-Nemoy, though awesome, didn't seem to be playing Spock in this one...unless Spock got more expressive as he aged. I don't know how he changed in the TNG and beyond since I'm only into TOS-era stuff.

-Not sure I care for the Spock/Uhura thing, but I'll roll with it

-OMG! PIKE!!! dude, and NICE fake-out with the wheelchair.

The only real drawback to the experience were the shitty Transformers and GI Joe trailers before the film *gag*. Pity, 'cuz I was looking forward to the latter.

Oh, and someone on here was saying that the TOS opening theme lacked the gravitas appropriate to the Star Trek universe, and though I admit that Jerry Goldsmith's score is almost impossible to top (as I LOVE his work), that orchestrated version of the TOS theme gave me SHIVERS!! *LOVE!!!!* I need to pick up the soundtrack and soon.

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