i know the difference between cubic's and 24 carat gold

Feb 08, 2013 23:23

Title: like staring at the other half of me, you were right all along
Fandom: suits usa
Characters: donna paulsen, harvey specter
Pairing: donna/harvey
Warnings: language, dedicated to onlywordsnow, written post 4x13. basically a reaction fix to the way donna's face looked like a unicorn had died fifty times over after harvey called jessica beautiful.
Summary ( Read more... )

fic - adult, fanfiction: suits, character: harvey specter, character: louis litt, pairing: donna/harvey, character: donna paulsen, character: rachel zayne, pairing: rachel/mike, character: mike ross, fandom: suits, fanfiction, character: jessica pearson

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satine_59 February 13 2013, 16:22:22 UTC
Okay I'm making an effort to review even though I suck a it because THIS WAS SO GOOD but WHYYYYYYYY, you basically just killed me I can't handle this! I need Harvey and Donna to make out and have babies and I need Donna to be happy. No but this was heartbreaking and beautiful and UGH you're good. (this is sundaystorms btw, hi!)


satine_59 February 13 2013, 16:22:45 UTC
also you get bonus points for the little donna/rachel interactions!


enemeriad February 14 2013, 12:11:17 UTC
BROTP. I will be so sad when Rachel "leaves" and Donna doesn't have any female friends/scenes on the show. Ughh


satine_59 February 15 2013, 02:00:49 UTC
ME TOO. I really like how they gave us more rachel/donna scenes in s2. how do you think rachel going to law school is gonna play out? i'd love for her to go (because I love her and that's what she wants) but I don't see her leaving the show


enemeriad February 15 2013, 06:53:51 UTC
have you seen the episode? (bc spoilers) so i won't reply to this in any way.

BUT I WANT HER TO GO AND BE HAPPY AND BECOME A LAWYER bc i feel like every woman in this show is being controlled by men like jessica is being screwed by hardman and donna with harvey etc etc like go forth and become happy and successful pls!


satine_59 February 19 2013, 12:14:51 UTC
I hadn't when I wrote that comment but I have since and omg BB RACHEL NOOOOOOOOO ;__________; I'm so sad for her because it's her fucking dream and I just want her to be happy (but I also want her to stay on the show soooooooooo) also can we talk about how amazing louis has been this season, I JUST LOVE HIM SO MUCH WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN

And yes to the women being happy and successful, they could all get together and rule the world seriously


enemeriad February 20 2013, 07:01:09 UTC
God, I know right!? And even though I love, love, love Louis for what he said/did in that moment, I felt so terrible for Rachel. I mean, she deserved Yale and she deserved a plot that didn't revolve around Mike. I really wanted her to come back a lawyer and tell that stupid Katrina bitch who's boss. Like, I thought I'd love Katrina because she stood up to Louis and kind of got her own way and made friends with Donna (because if you're bffs with Donna, how can anyone not love you) but she just turned out to be soo horrible. Good lord, I was just like no thank you i dun cur for you or your really shiny nice hair.

LOUIS. I dont understand how anyone can hate Louis. Like everytime he retaliates because someone was mean to him, he gets so much flack for it and I'm like BUT HE JUST WANTS YOU TO LIKE HIM. :( :(
His relationship with Rachel (especially post the Ballet case) has just been PERFECTION like their mutual interests and how much they respect each other and how he says she's the best paralegal. I JUST CANNOT.


enemeriad February 20 2013, 07:01:48 UTC
hahahaha I actually wrote a fic about that where Donna is running for President. I'm practically psychic.


enemeriad February 14 2013, 12:10:39 UTC

This is so nice of you. Like really. I appreciate you taking the time to respond to the story. So kudos.

You should know in advance, I write fluff very rarely, it's a peculiar mood to be in when you write happy stuff or maybe that's just me!
I'm so glad you liked it! It just sort of.. happened I guess. Ugh but I love Donna so much and it makes me so happy when she stands up for herself etc.

Thank you again for reviewing! x


satine_59 February 15 2013, 01:59:04 UTC
It's okay though, I love angsty stuff even if it destroys me soul. but i really like how donna just tries to pull herself together, donna is a queen and it's good that you're writing her that way!


enemeriad February 15 2013, 06:55:06 UTC
<3 aw bb thank you. that is basically what i aspire to be in my everyday life: donna.

(if it was possible, i'd request a spinoff of just donna being donna like the minutiae of her daily life. that would be the greatest show just watching her be sassy and interact with randoms.)


satine_59 February 19 2013, 12:15:27 UTC
who wouldn't want to be donna seriously, TEACH ME YOUR WAYS DONNA


enemeriad February 20 2013, 07:02:29 UTC
I've always been curious like how she gets her hair like that, so perfect and lovely and just nice. Can I have hair like that? SOMEONE GIVE ME DONNAS HAIR.

(also her sass, that would be nice too.)


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