Dec 02, 2004 21:20
Ok so as if "Gothic-Santan-praising-suicidal-pill-popping-witchcrafting-Lesbian-freak" wasn't bad enough of a label now I got "Jew-Killing-Nazi-Whore" added onto it, because Stephanie had to go around telling everyone that i put drew a swatstika on myself and that I wanted all jews to die. First of all it was an inside joke between me and liz, so she has no right sticking her nose into my business, second of all, I'm not against jews. It's not like I went around waving a swatstika around and saluting to hitler and charles manson. I had people that I didn't even know come up to me tonight and say "Stephanie said you hate jews and want to kill them all"
Makes you feel all warm inside don't it?