So I ve been MIA for the whole month. Actually I popped in a few times to get my overdue Colin doses and dove away again Gosh I ve been missing Colin/Merlin crazily! Between completing a competition I was coaxed into participation and giving my Pitchoune his psychomotor exercises and visiting clients sites and co-writing a paper AND err..doing sales (this umm is absolutly necessary you know, I bought the whole next year garderobe for Pitchoun, he grows really fast and *cough* a few things for myself *cough* ), so I ve been caught up btw those rather mundane tasks, encouraging myself doing things that are supposed to be interesting but when stress involves, turn out unsurprisingly dull. I am looking forward to wrapping. Happiness is such a silly fleeting feeling, you only need to pack yourself into troubles and when you sort it out you feel like life is beyond beautiful, more or less the same feeling after walking half a day around the city in a pair of shoes that are beautiful but too tight for your feet, when you finally arrive home and take them off ^g^
My NY resolutions:
1. EAT breakfast!
I kind of skipped breakfast a lot and it s not healthy at all! I want crepes dripping butter and toasts covered with cranberry marmalades and baguettes with peanut butter etc. every morning XD
2. Resume swimming!
Since giving birth I kind of lazed around and never get to exercise.
3. Learn English properly!
seriously! I never took a proper english lesson, my english is a silly mess of what is left from poor highschool lessons, internet and every scrap paper/book in english that I came across. It's kind of pathetic that I cant write 100 words without failing the grammar.
4. Resume drawing.
I dropped drawing a few years ago and I hate to admit my fingers feel quite stiff. and I miss drawing.
5. Email/contact my friends and relatives more often.
I always am sort of a hermit. I can confine myself in a room for as long as food s enough and there are books or a computer with internet. I am akward with words and silly in long distant conversations. I guess ppl dont always get it and make first move for me, I ve been aware but never do anything to change my relationships with ppl I know so yeah I think time to get in action.
Ok I think it s enough to make me busy this year so no need to be even more irrealistic than I already am ^g^
Here are my belated response to
questions in her meme. I m sorry for the late ^__^
1) who is your favourite beatle and why?
I always like/d John, I don't even know why, wait I know! During my Beatles phase in highschool I had a classmate with whom I am kinda close with and who looked so much like John Lennon with long hair I called him teasingly John. Even his glasses are alike to those John wore, and no! I wasnt in love with him or anything, I just liked him very much, he was utterly gorgeous and awkward and endearing so I rather tend to tease him more :) He was ironically a rabid metal fan ^.^ Also I had a close friend, a girl, also my highschool classmate who was a fan of John, she was the one who got me into the Beatles in the first place.
And I think I like John because he was the only one who wore glasses of the four, megane fetish much? :D
2) what is the last thing you do before you go to bed at night?
Peak into the room to see my Pitchoune, if he s still under his blanket or not.
3) what do you normally look for in a friend?
honesty and easiness. I like that my friends feel at ease around me so they can talk to me easily about things and so I can do the same.
4) how much does it take to annoy you?
Err just the infamous french lazy sense of servitude? XD Worst service in the world I dare say.
Generally, I am afraid I am too a cynist to be easily annoyed but yeah, in rare occasions, when the laziness and the stupidity is too obvious.
5) do you cry in movies? if not, what do you think about people who do?
No I rarely cry, infact when I was young I really only cried twice: once while watching Miyazaki's "Grave of the fireflies" and the second oh god when watched Simba's father fell off the rocks in "the Lion King" ^__^ I m getting a bit mushier with time, I never really cried but find my eyes sting more often, say every once a year. The most recent is when Merlin cried in the last ep, Colin's tears are very contagious ^.^
Ppl cry when they find a scene moving and/or it touchs their own experiences, so it s rather a matter of personal value and sentiment which is not something to be judged, I think.
In an act of rebel against the stress and workload I made a series of never experimented sweet pies and complicated, time consuming dishes like gyoza (japanese dumplings) and springrolls or nabe (japanese hotpot). Needless to say that my boys' stomachs were the ones that are satisfied the most but non of my works. Next come my pride, I never made such a beautiful gyoza, I lent a friend my camera and because when they are cooked and ready for serve they are gone like in 15 minutes so umm no photos for you, next time ok.
Question: Do you trust microwaves?
I only have my first half a year ago when my in laws came for a visit, they went to the nearest shop and brought one back and kind of thrust it to our faces because it took me bloody 10 minutes to warm milk for my Pitchoune (in hot water). I heard something about the waves that are not food friendly so I kind of forget microwaves exist. Now since I have it I just use it to warm food and just two weeks ago discovered it also can bake in crisp mode hah we eat pies everday since then ^g^ I am easy like that, no principle whatsoever.
dysonrules wrote a Bradley/Colin
fic about Bradley giving Colin a Celtic love knot bracelet, which trigered my curiosity about celtic symbols so I googled the images and came across these (from What do you think which one would suits Colin the most or which one you d like for yourself?
1. I like this one but don't like the metal face project over the width of the band like that, like a watch face, too girly for Colin.
2. This one is ok with the metal symbol in within the band but the metal part is too large. It's manlier than the first though.
3. This one has too much metal in proportion with leather for my taste, still nice and has an antic look to it.
4. I find this very discret and simple and could suit Colin perfectly, because I guess he doesnt like showy accessories, but I am already spoiled by his wristband (in my icon) that shows how great his thin wrist go with the slightly larger band so it could be a waste not to show it right ^_^ I am sure Bradley would agree with me that the "captured" look suits Colin even more. Bradley looks a possesive type, so do I XP
I wish they had the 4th with a larger band like in the first, or the first without the metal face, just a simple leather band but got larger knot symbols on the claps like in the fourth. That would look manly and discret and elegant and all Colin :D
For myself I am torn between the first and the second, but why am I even considering this, they are way too large for me, about 7 inch for girls and 8 inchs for boys. My wrist s like 5 inchs T_T