Jun 17, 2006 06:47
Hey folkses! Hope everyone is okay! It's been a while for me, I know, and you can roast me later. I wouldn't say that there's much to update on but I'll babble on anyway.
Been relaxing and enjoying myself since not doing Harrower. Voice is on the up and up and I'm just about ready to jump back into the swing of things. Rehearsal for carmina was great. I have never seen this music up close and I swear my eyes were, for a short while, crossed because of so much music. But it's great and I am really enjoying it and I wouldn't have it any other way. There is this really really cute guy in the chorus who remembers me from the Capitol City competition. Can't remember his name to save my life but I'll see him sunday and I'll be sure to remember what it is. I hope he's interested, would be great to finally fulfill my mission of going on at least one good date this summer.
Went to trivia night with Josh and Kevin. That was fun! Met some of Josh's friends and they are an absolute hoot! A joy to be around! I actually saw josh cut loose a bit which was fun, never seen him in such a setting and it was nice to know that he could not be so shy for once. Though they haven't really seen kev and I cut loose and trust, it will be a site and a spectacle! I gather we'll be going to trivia again next week. We've become the resident negros! FUN TIMES!
Went to see the Atlanta Gay Men's Chorus perform. Hm, I wasn't impressed, not in the least. I had fancied the idea of auditioning for the chorus but that flew out the window after the first number. They have a decent thing going but I must say, the Atlanta Opera has spoiled me completely. I'm used to a certain thing and I know I wouldn't get it from them. Granted, I know I'd have a good time, I don't want to committ to that, not when I have such a hectic schedule for AOC! Anyway, onto better things.
Putting myself out there is fun. Nothing is concrete but I'm meeting some great people and developing some awesome friendships. Had a couple of prospects, but I'm not sure where anything stands and right now I'm just enjoying the whole process.
Got my herrecute and I am loving it! I've had the best hair days recently and they only promise to get better. I really must keep my hair prim and proper, it makes me feel so much better and boosts my self-esteem! LOVE IT!
Um, still on my video game frenzy, just bought this new game for gamecube called Naruto and it is AMAZING! Ninja style fighting with awesome combos and ridiculous action....GOOD STUFF! Still wanting the XBOX 360 but patience will prove to be my friend as usual so I'll wait until the time is ripe for more extensive playing.
Okies, I'm done...TOODLES!