May 12, 2005 10:17
I was on the phone yesterday for quite a while, speaking with my former co-worker about issues we had in the general management of the spa. We came to a few conclusions together, until she called me at 6 to tell me she quit. I understood completely why, and found out some fun facts about the spa and how they have treated some of their employees in the past. Not to be a sucker, but I don't let people take advantage of me like that...and I happen to believe that this might be more of an issue of finding the right fit than trying to repeatedly screw over receptionists. I propose myself the right fit at this time just because I happen to care, and health insurance has been offered to me as of December provided all things work out. Not really offered, but the option to buy it at full price has been offered. Which is better than most places. I have found myself in predicaments like this before, needing to try and finagle at least the purchasing power to get health insurance. John who owned Uncle Joe's offered me the same thing...but never followed through.
Regardless, I do have it in writing so it all works out. And as a result of my co-worker quitting, they have taken my own schedule into consideration, asking me what my bar job requires that I work. Then they gave me Saturday off in exchange for Friday. So I really have no time to pack.
Or finish anything.
and my heart still drones on, feeling sad inside itself. maybe if I took my medicine regularly I wouldn't feel so fucking sad and in pain. but I am like a 10 year old, so irresponsible.