Feb 23, 2006 14:37
I haven't updated in a while so... lets do that. Last weekend was... WHOA it just autosaved my draft! I dont update for a couple weeks and that add new crazy shit like that... im impressed.
Anyway.. last weekend was really awesome. I went to greensboro friday night as usual and went out with tim and his grimsley friends to a party which was totally shweet. Then on saturday me and tim recovered from being completely worn out for most of the day. But that night we went over to keeley's and played some mario party which we didn't get to finish but just so everyone knows, I would've won. Then we went to steak and shake where mariah and some people were, then michelle came. Yeah I dunno, but after that keeley took me and tim home. On sunday I woke up and fixed thoms website then he took me back to chapel hill. at 2pm I went to Dmitri's bday party thing which was awesome cuz we played basketball for like 2 hours and I rememberred why I love playing so much. We chilled at his place doing various crap until like 8 when I got a ride home. Then I had monday off and I just spent the whole day sleeping and doing nothing which was nice.
I woke up on tuesday with my throat starting to feel weird. I went to school and that was good. I got caught skipping last friday with Chuan. We were eating bagels at the gas station during second period >_< . And whats really messed up is that his assisstant principal gave him one day afterschool detention while mine gave me 2 days and a saturday school... WTF? Its cuz he's asian.
But yeah so I did one afterschool detention on tuesday and that wasnt too bad cuz Chuan was there. I also found out on tuesday during third period that my comp account at the school had been frozen because I had been playing games on it when I shouldn't have... WTF? At least it happened to three other guys in that class too. Apparently the principal was gonna come in on wednesday and talk to us about it but that brings me to the next part of this.
By tuesday night I was pretty sick and when I woke up on wednesday I was coughing up stuff and had a fever... so I didn't go to school. I didn't go today either... and I really hope that I'm able to go tomorrow cuz I need to find out everything I missed so I can do it over the weekend. I've been going down that path at school that I'm far too familiar with and I'm not gonna let it happen again. I'm not gonna go to greensboro this weekend even if I am feeling better despite the fact that I really want to, just cuz my mom probably wouldn't take me anyway so I'm not gonna ask. I really need to get a job and money and a car. But thats a whole different issue.
I finished a new song last night. "Fear Keeps Us Here". I really like it even if other people might not. And just so everybodies clear again... I know I can't sing and what realy annoys me is people trying to hide from me the fact that I can't sing. That's more embarrassing than just saying it cuz its not like its some big secret that I can't accept... but whatever. I do these songs because I enjoy it and its not like I can go get my mom to sing it... so I sing it. Its a conduit for the instrumentals and the songwriting. thats all. so chill out.
But anyway, the song incorporates my new harmonica and keyboard I just acquired. So thats why I like it a lot probably.
Ok well thats about all I have to say. So savor it because it'll probably end up being another couple weeks before I post again. Just cuz im like that these days.