( . Ventus . )
(. He went ahead a little . )
One of Master Eraqus's pupils. He usually goes by "Ven" for short. He, Terra and Aqua train together, sharing both a healthy rivalry and a strong bond of friendship.
Haunted by the masked boy's warnings about Terra, Ven defied Master Eraqus, ran away from home, and set off for the outside world to find his friend.
Since Ventus is younger, Terra and Aqua tend to be very protective of him.
(. I just kept trying to catch up . )
By the current point in his timeline in which I’m taking Ventus, he’s yet to uncover the darker facts of his past, but the scene itself follows after one of the very last points in which Ventus shows a clear confidence in himself and what he has in his life. It’s at this point when his maturity has come to a more natural and even level- he regains the surety of his friends he once had without the oblivious nature he held onto prior.
(. It's not that heroic . )
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To be updated frequently
( . name . ) |
http://i993.photobucket.com/albums/af59/diversus/graphics/border3.png" /> |
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(. title . ) Mauris rutrum, quam et sollicitudin adipiscing, nunc odio imperdiet sapien, nec luctus ligula arcu at elit. Nullam malesuada orci nec dui malesuada adipiscing. Phasellus egestas porttitor elit id ullamcorper. Phasellus pellentesque placerat nisi, id vulputa. Phasellus egestas porttitor elit id ullamcorper. Phasellus pellentesque placerat nisi, id vulputa.(. title . )
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