Apr 04, 2005 22:54
I asked everyone online
If you could do anything to me, (and i mean ANYTHING) what would it be? (im asking everyone so just play along)
and these were the answers
zZducksZz: play chicken in the pool
XAsianSensation1: Honestly... hmm...
XAsianSensation1: dip you in whip cream and lick every inch of it off of you.
WIDisDead: anal sex
WIDisDead: all nite long
WIDisDead: (obviously)
Shadows Die Away: take your ADD away so conversations can be easier
Werds Fayl Mi: get Bright Eyes to play in your backyard to make up for the fact that we didn't get to see them in January
freakepeachz: I'd choose you for a game of chicken fight
freakepeachz: I'd use you as a step ladder
freakepeachz: i'd give you wings and the ability to materialize grilled cheese sandwichs
freakepeachz: out of your eyes
ChapelofRock: i would go with u on a roadtirp1