26 • [video|action]

Sep 28, 2011 19:30

[the journal falls open to the sound of a gasp and a metallic clattering, and the camera might just pick up a glimpse of a boy with long blue hair falling to the ground and scrambling backwards, iron shackles on his wrists jangling like oversized bracelets ( Read more... )

!event, !luceti

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trauma buckets unite! crybabyorphan October 1 2011, 00:29:38 UTC
[Looking for a good place to hide, Legato? Maybe a nice quiet corner, or a nice little patch of forest that's has a little bit of distance from town, but still close enough that you can still see the buildings? Or spot between too buildings that isn't too out in the open? Well, if you are, you might run into this kid, since he's trying to do the exact same thing. ]


hells yeah endthem October 1 2011, 06:41:58 UTC
[this kid is a little too preoccupied with trying to scoot away from a particularly alarming set of individuals to properly scan the alley that he's darting into, watching over his shoulder as he dodges toward the deepest set of shadows. heads up!]


At least it wasn't a head on collision? crybabyorphan October 1 2011, 06:55:40 UTC
[Oh well he was too preoccupied BEING EMO to dodge. But no really he was just sort of passively registering Legato's existance before he tried jumping out of the way, and by that time it was a little too late to avoid the impending physical contact.

Even if he's kind of a big kid for his age Legato is still bigger then him, and this combined that he is also a tired, starved, emo little orphan who probably has some nice healing bruises under all of those layers of clothing he will tumble like a little featherweight. Or a medium sized sack of potatoes.]


[Yeah he'll just stay on the ground now.]


endthem October 1 2011, 07:04:50 UTC
[for a moment, the blue-haired kid is a tangle of long limbs, heart leaping into his throat as he scrambles to get away from whoever it is he's tumbled into.

It isn't until he's skittered back to press against the wall on the other side of the alley that he stops, eyes wide like big gold coins in his head]


crybabyorphan October 1 2011, 07:22:02 UTC
[He doesn't really get why this blue haired kid is so scared. He'll slowly sit himself up now, slowly because some of those old wounds were knocked into and so they really hurt again. Taking a look around to see if anyone was following him or something that he could be legitimately terrified off before staring back.]

It's okay... I'm not mad so...

[Stop being afraid of the human child equivalent of a sad kicked puppy.]


endthem October 1 2011, 07:31:21 UTC
[it takes him a moment to really look at the other kid, finally finding something vaguely familiar in all of this fairytale madness. This is the type of person he knows how to deal with. This type of person makes sense. Calming down a little--just enough to not apprehensively hold his breath any longer--he unfolds a bit, straightening up.

He still can't quite find his voice yet, though]


crybabyorphan October 1 2011, 07:38:34 UTC
[that's alright, Livio really doesn't mind the silence. He could use a couple of moments to sit down and recover anyways before trying to stand up again, leaning himself against the wall, staring at Legato with his own pair of empty eyes.]


endthem October 1 2011, 07:46:58 UTC
[he's still wary but mostly calm by the time Livio stands. He sends one glance down the alley, just to make sure that no one else has happened by while they were recovering, before he finally braves speaking up. All those little signs-- Livio's weariness, the slightly pained way that he moves, are put together toward trying to assemble a picture that makes some sort of sense around here]

...Were you hiding?


crybabyorphan October 1 2011, 07:57:37 UTC
[Was he? He couldn't tell, it was sort of a force of habit at this point. Hanging out in the open was sort of dangerous for lone orphans in a a world were everyone's trying to either hurt you or kill you.]

Not really... I was just looking for a place to stay for a little while.


endthem October 1 2011, 08:07:38 UTC
[he's finally gotten the picture that this kid is no threat, but he's still on edge-- keeping an eye on the mouth of the alley as if two vulnerable targets in one place is going to call an exponential amount of trouble.

As if in agreement with Livio's answer, he pulls up his knees and wraps his arms around them, settling in this spot for the time being]


and then the rest of the thread was nothing but silence crybabyorphan October 1 2011, 08:15:18 UTC
[There is a nice, long pause. He doesn't really care about much of anything, including conversation. Of course, it most likely felt much longer to two very freaked out children, however after awhile he will finally talk.]

You're... not hurt, are you?

[He didn't look any more hurt then the average street rat but Legato did bump into him it was only fair to ask.]


pr'much endthem October 1 2011, 08:19:42 UTC
[that... is a good question, actually. After taking a moment to blink, going over the last few moments that made sense before he found himself here, he unfolds enough to look at himself, chains jangling from his wrists as he holds his arms out from his sides]

I... I don't think so.


silence and abusing the same couple icons over and over... crybabyorphan October 1 2011, 08:29:12 UTC
[You know it's funny, that he's never seen a slave before. Well, everyone sort of knows that they exist and all that, but it's certainly not something talked about and it's certainly a sight kids like him really have to avoid. Of course, it doesn't really matter much to him anyways because as far as Livio is concerned Legato is just another imaginary kid running around in this imaginary place and none of this is actually real.

With that said though, it was good that his meaningless little existence didn't harm someone else. And that is something that could be expressed without the use of words as he slides back down. There wasn't much reason to keep standing if there was no reason to really go anywhere.]


that's the name of the game endthem October 1 2011, 22:44:06 UTC
[now that he's calmed down, and the other kid doesn't seem to be going anywhere, he can really watch him. He can't shake the feeling that this kid really does seem to be just as out of place as he is. So, after huddling a little more comfortably against the wall, he chances speaking up]

...Do you live here?


awwwwww yeeeeah B) crybabyorphan October 2 2011, 06:14:42 UTC
No. [ ... ] I just... woke up here, that's all.



endthem October 2 2011, 17:54:41 UTC
[he tries not to look interested by this! Perking up a little, though his voice is still small and hesitant]

...Me too.


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