20 • [voice|action]

Apr 25, 2011 17:53

[he'd heard mention of the creatures, but--honestly--he'd paid them very little mind. As silly as it was, it has been dreams that have been taking up the majority of his attention for the past few days.  He knew they were just nightmares, nothing more than figments of whatever lurked around in his somewhat off-kilter mind. They weren't real. They meant nothing. And yet, he'd found himself unable to think about anything else.

The dreams had chased him out of the house in the early morning-- horrifyingly vivid images of violence in some kind of barren wasteland that kept him from returning to sleep, and he left his home to wander where it was quiet. He headed towards the trees and undisturbed shadows as the sun crept above the horizon, but he noticed none of it. He could still feel the inhuman amount of power he'd wielded in those dreams and what he'd done with it.

As much as this town made him feel like an outcast, in those nightmares he'd been a monster.

There is something fitting then, when the creature comes slinking between the trees. Legato had opened the journal, intending to filter to Amelia or his brothers, something to connect him to reality, but now stands staring with the book hanging in his hand. The massive toothy thing could have crawled straight from the ugliness that he can't shake from his mind, and for a moment he can't help but wonder if it had. And yet, there is no fear. ...He can't help but notice that though the creature is nothing like anything he has ever seen, it is still merely flesh and blood. He can feel it. He can feel it the same way that he senses every creature, as it sniffs the air and eyes him, and he can't help but consider the fact that it likely could do nothing to him. This vicious beast, with its terrifying frame and maw of fangs, is still controlled by a network of nerves and impulses that he could take control of with little more than a thought. Missing arm be damned, he could break this monstrosity apart without an effort if he so chose. It would be a lie to say that such thoughts had never crossed his mind before, but... after those dreams... he can't think of a reason that he should ignore them this time. Whatever this monster is, it couldn't be here for a good reason. He would be protecting his brothers, and... it was just a beast, after all.

After a few moments of silence, the journal catches the sound of sudden and vicious snarling, gaining quickly in volume as they are accompanied by a few sickening pops]

((ooc: tldr; Legato is killing a creature on the edge of town. Open for anything~))

playing, !event, !luceti

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