
Sep 18, 2021 15:05

So... even with Luceti's power-restricting thing, Legato can still be kind of a godmode.
It would really help me out to have a little cheat-sheet here, of permissions for typical encounters with characters.
I'll ask permissions in the ooc comm for larger, more specific things... so this is more to serve as a go-to list when running into your character.

 UPDATE: As of Jan '11, there is a significant change to Legato's ability. See [here] for details.

- What he does -

Legato is a tremendously powerful telepath, well beyond what a human should be capable of, thanks to the very special arm attached to his body. He basically slips right past the conscious mind and grabs the subconscious controls, essentially puppeting his target. His is a very specialized psychic ability, so he doesn't do many of the other things typically associated with psychics-- reading minds, invading the conscious mind, visions, etc. He mostly just acts as puppeteer, with a few lesser-but-related abilities.

--Puppeteering: While the target is conscious, he can control anything from just briefly twitching a limb in order to cause someone to miss while trying to shoot him, to controlling the entire body to make them walk or attack. When controlling limbs, he can make the body move with far more power than they should be able to exert on their own, even to the point of breaking bones and being able to remove their own organs with their bare hands. He can also render a target unconscious in order to take complete control over them, including speech, facial expression, etc. In this state, most of his consciousness is in their body, basically possessing them.

--Mental Shock: Is much more harmless than it sounds. It's essentially just flipping off their consciousness like a light switch. They fall harmlessly to the ground, usually to wake up a minute or so later.

--Suggestion: Also more harmless than it sounds. Basically, just throwing up an image or sensation in the mind of the target. He doesn't use this ability often, usually only for shock value, to emphasize some point. Also, on weaker-willed subjects, he can cause them to overlook him, avoid him in a crowd, look upon him favorably, etc. It just makes getting around easier.

--Mental Communication: Going along with being a telepath, Legato passively senses the minds of the people in his vicinity. His range for this is weakened in Luceti, but it is still enough to usually make him impossible to sneak up on by someone with a thinking mind. He can also speak in others' minds, and can receive messages 'thought' at him with enough intent, even by those who have no previous psychic ability.

- What can screw this up -

- Obviously, the target needs a thinking, organic, brain in order for his ability to work. His power is not magical, so he usually has no control over robotic or creatures that don't rely on a physical brain to control their bodies. As for gods and angels and other creatures who are inhabiting a physical body, the amount of success he has in grappling for the controls is up to you.

- He is technically a psychic, but he lacks most of the offensive and defensive abilities typically associated with psychics. This is, of course, a double-edged sword. There is a chance that psychic blocks or individuals who are used to psychic attack aren't used to catching his particular brand of ability, since he slips right past the conscious mind. The downside to this, beyond the fact that he has a limited pallet of abilities to use, is he is left completely open to psychic attack. So, basically, if you have a character with psychic defenses, it's up to you the degree of success they have in defending against him... and they are free to attack him right back.

- As long as they are conscious, very strong-willed characters have the chance to fight his control once they are being puppeted, thanks to Luceti's power-dampening. So... you might hurt yourself in the process, but it is possible to slowly battle your way out of his mental grip now.

- What I need to know -

So! Given the above information, I'd like to know what is alright with you! Legato doesn't generally throw his power around thoughtlessly, but he does test people, lash out when he is annoyed, and use people as puppets to fulfill elements of his plans.

Just reply and let me know what you are alright with him doing, and the degree of success it would have, juuuust in case it comes up.

Character name:
What is the extent of what he is allowed to do?:
If puppeting is allowed, what is the extent of damage allowed?:
Other notes?:

Character name: Who you are!
Defenses?: Either because of what they are, or abilities that they have.
What is the extent of what he is allowed to do?: Both include the max that is allowed, and the extent that you would prefer. And anything else, idk. Be as detailed as possible, so I'm not left with tooo many more questions.
If puppeting is allowed, what is the extent of damage allowed?: When puppeting limbs, he can leave you feeling sore the next day, or turn your body into a pretzel. Up to you how much he's allowed to do.
Other notes?: Anything else? Things he might notice, warnings, questions, ideas, whateverrrr

Thanks in advance!

!luceti, permission

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