Looking Forward

Jan 21, 2008 22:27

I start school again tomorrow.
My last semester.

I hate school as I always have, but I'm going to try to make the most of this last semester. I know I will get sick of it and be filled with the most intense form of Senioritis, but hopefully it goes well.

I'm surprised how busy I was able to stay during my winter break. It flew by. Now it is back to the grindstone. I still have to finish this month out for auxiliary pioneering, which in doing so I finally found my very first bible study. Its an amazing blessing, I truly am overwhelmed by it.
Anyhow, my schedule goes back to being nonstop and hectic. 12 hour long school days, service in the morning on Monday and Wednesday followed by closing the store. Friday either service and work or work in the morning and going out at night. Saturday and Sunday is service and work and then meeting and work. My only night to go out is sometimes Friday night if I'm given the morning shift to open the store. I may have about 0 to 30 minutes between each given activity depending on the start of my shift. Next to no down time.

It may kill me, but it's 2008. This will be one of the strongest years of my life.

One semester and I'll be done. Less than a month and I'll be 21.
Less than a year and I'll be a pioneer.

The rhymes were unintentional, but I really am excited for what this year has to offer. I am getting over one of the most difficult periods of my life and I'm ready to move on. I am trying hard to move on. It's not easy. I get down and dejected very easily, but I know its all worth it.
I am proud to be who I am. I am happy for what I stand for. I try hard to never forget.

2008 is a good year. It'll be a great year.
Life is progressing and while I'm still hurting and while I will still hurt for a long time, I know what the future holds.

Sometimes playing stupid is the best option. Sometimes pretending to be ignorant is a smart choice. Otherwise, you kill yourself.
The thing is, you have every idea that I do. We're both playing ignorant. I have so many beautiful things to say and I feel the need to let it out, but I know better. Its funny how I can't talk to you about the most difficult situation I have ever encountered.

I just... need to keep my eyes ahead.
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