Dec 04, 2007 00:52
When people read journals like these, often the farthest thought from their mind is that this is a place where people feel they can write with whatever poetic license they feel and that anything that could possibly be misconstrued or anything that is not 100% clearly explained should be brought to the author's attention and resolved.
Of course, authors of such journals need to realize the power of their words and how saying things in a certain way can bring about strong negative connotations even if that wasn't their intent.
Especially if one such author represents himself in a professional manner.
Especially if one such author represents another person held in a high regard.
I love my best friend, I really do. For the longest time, that best friend was me. And this journal has been a way to talk to myself. Yet this journal is no longer my best friend. Someone has taken its place. However, I still need more very in-depth human interaction. I love writing. I hope I am never misconstrued and I hope I never detract glory from my best friend. Yet, I feel like I still need this journal, just to write. I don't know why.
However, I know I would delete every precious entry in a heartbeat if I was only asked.