As Seasons Change Final Chapter

Jan 13, 2013 15:13

Abandoned for two years and now finally I can finally move on from this story...

Disclaimer: you know the drill..

Winter Chapter 5: A Piece of One’s Heart

Almost a month had gone by and there has been no news about Yukihiro’s whereabouts.  Both Haruka and I have recovered to ful health and were back to our daily routines We meet a couple times every week, squeezing time with what unfortunatel was a packed schedule from my part. Although Haruka never spoke her mind abou the fact that Yukihiro was still in hiding somewhere, I knew very well that sh was dreading the day that an incident like the one on Christmas would happe again. She would jump slightly at the rustling bushes, keep glancing behind he back when walking, and her eyes would dart around the area as if Yukihiro woul suddenly pop out of nowhere.

I myself was worried that if things would go on the way it is, terrible things might happen to Haruka.  I had nightmares, visions with lifeless and blood-stained Haruka, the figure of Yukihiro laughing over the body.  I would text Haruka every couple of minutes or so when time didn’t allow the both of us to meet, anxiety washing over if she didn’t reply right away.  My mind was driving me crazy with imaginations of Yukihiro plotting my-or even worse,

It was one of those days tha I had time off work, practice, and school and Haruka and I had just finishe watching a movie when what had been dreaded really occurred.  “Gomen, I need to go to the bathroom for bit” Haruka said as we walked out the exit of the cinema “Jaa, I’ll wait at th lounge” I nodded and took the opposite way

The place was more crowde than the usual, and it was quite bothering me I tried to shoo away negative thoughts in my head as I had nothing to d while I waited. And so, I decided to watch the trailers shown on screen an once a while the people who were queuing. 10 minutes had passed by as I glance at my watch and I began to wonder what was taking Haruka so long in th bathroom. Another 5 and I was beginning to worry. 5 more and no reply from text I sent and I dashed towards where the toilets were. As a girl was about t enter, I tapped her shoulder “Ano, sorry to bother you, but could you as whether my girlfriend is still inside for me?” The girl looked at me with questioning look, but nodded her head nonetheless “What’s her name?” “Haruka.” said “Akiyama Haruka.” “Okay” she said simply and walked inside

A few minutes later she came out. “Ano…I think she might’ve already left..there’s only one stall that’s occupied and the person inside said she came alone. She sounded rather annoyed” she said amusedly.   “I see. Thanks a lot” I said and turned to leave the girl that now had a sympathetic look on her face.

Panic was rising in me, but hid it as well as I could as I checked the lobby.  Haruka was still nowhere to be found.  I went out the building, calling her cell as did so, but the only voice that greeted me was the operator’s.  I tsk’ed loudly and stuffed my cellphone frustratedl inside my jeans pocket.  I bega searching the streets as the panic grew stronger. Just as I was about to tak out my cellphone again, I felt it vibrate.

“Yo, Ryosuke-kun” a voice greeted me.  I could even hear the sneer in the voice. “Yukihiro” I said through gritted teeth, immediately recognizing the caller. “Where did you take Haruka to?” I barked impatiently “Rela~x, she’s alive and healthy…” he mocked “You really shouldn’t have left her like that. She’s such an easy target. Come to that park last time if you want her back” and the line was cut. I hurriedly stopped a taxi and rode to the place. The sky was getting darker.

Evening had finally falle when I got down from the taxi and ran inside the park, calling out into th empty surrounding.  As I ran deepe inside, I spotted a tall figure and quickened my pace. “Well, well.   Look who’s here.” Yukihiro spoke as I cam in closer range. “Come to fetch the damsel in distress?” he asked.  “Give her back” I demanded. “Now, now, that’ not how you ask a favor, is it boy?” he jeered. I glared at him with utmos loathing “Where’s Haruka?” I said coldly. The man in front of me faked a sigh. “An I thought everyone here knew manners” he shook his head. “Come with me then, i you’re so eager to see her”

I followed the tall figur that was Yukihiro into the depths of the trees that bordered the park.  I began to wonder what place could the evi man walking in front of me was taking me to.  I also wondered how this man could’ve staye so well hidden from the police, and how he managed to have a place for kidna in the heart of the city.  But the again, this man had a family that had quite an influence.  Through dark and hidden ways must he have mad his way till today.

He came to a halt a few meters in front of me, and I looked at the scene in front of me but what I saw only made me confused.  It was not until Yukihiro scattered a pile of leaves that revealed a trapdoor on the ground that I realized I was looking at the wrong place. I became more wary, knowing that Yukihiro would have all the advantage if he was keeping Haruka in an underground room. Yukihiro turned to face me, a sneer on his face. “Scared?” he mocked.  “You wish” I growled.  Yukihiro flashed a smirk and descended.  I followed suit.

I was wrong, it wasn’t a underground room; it was a passage.   “Surprised?&rdquo Yukihiro spoke, his back facing me. I said nothing. Yukihiro chuckled an started to move forward. The absence of my footsteps behind him made him loo back. “Oh, you’re not coming? Well that would be splendid! I can do whatever want to Haruka then” I glared and started towards him.  I knew he was making me boil on purpose, bu holding temper was never my strong point Nodding approvingly at my move, Yukihiro started walking again. My min started reeling.

Maybe I should just attack him right here and now.  This passage must lead to where Haruka is, no matter how long it actually is. I’ll get him here and then save Haruka “Don’t have any funny ideas of attacking me because I seem unguarded, little boy” Yukihiro said, reading exactly what was on my mind. “Besides, then you won’t be able to open the lock to the room where your girl is kept, it needs my fingerprints” he seemed to be smirking and I gritted my teeth.


After what seemed like a long journey, we reached the end of the passage. Yukihiro opened the door above and led me through a dark corridor until
we reached a steel door, where like he said only could be opened with the authorization of his hand. “Behold~” he said lazily as the door opened and
revealed Haruka tied up in the center of the room, barely conscious. I took a deep breath to hold down my anger. “Come in and I’ll tell you the rules” I did as told and Yukihiro closed the door behind us.

The atmosphere suddenly thickened and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.  “Defeat me, and you’ll get your girl back” Yukihiro said, his voice in a tone I couldn’t quite put “Simple as that, boy” he finished. Haruka whimpered weakly as if protesting. Staring boldly into Yukihiro’s eyes, I gritted my teeth “Fine”.

As i was about to charge, Yukihiro added “Oh, wait. And you have a time limit. Your girl’s not gonna survive longer than about…” he checked his watch “54 more minutes” “You….what did you do to her?!!” I attacked, not needing to know the answer. My head was boiling. I could even feel heat radiating from my whole body. I was not in control of myself anymore. I punched the jerk’s face.  Yukihiro’s lip was cut, but he didn’t do a thing but stare at me coldly.

I began hitting brutally, no aiming anywhere in particular. I wanted to bruise any part that I could touch but Yukihiro could block most of my punches easily.   “Is that all you got?” He, caught my fis and said so with his face barely two inches from mine. I faltered, my min accepted the fact that I could never win from this person; not as the person am now. I was nowhere close to his level.  I didn’t want to give up, but I knew it was futile. With that, I sunk t the ground. Weak. Defeated. I was close to tears. “Please, let Haruka go. Yo can do whatever you want with me, but please let her go”

Yukihiro let go of my fist which I let fall down to the ground pathetically. “You called the police, didn’ you?” I looked up to the towering figure in front of me “There’s no need to lie.&rdquo He said and sat down on the floor in front of me. “They’re probably outside b now” I said weakly, confirming his speculations. He nodded. “You’re..not goin to do anything?” I said, dumbfounded. He shook his head slowly.  He actually looked…human. What is wrong wit this person? “I’m a bitter person, Ryosuke-kun. I’m tired of myself.” He began “ hated the world, and I hated seeing all the happy faces around me. My freedo was taken since I was a kid. I was not allowed to be the person I wanted to be I was forced to do what my father demanded after my mother abandoned us Resistance would equal to a beating. I was closed and I had no real friends. Everyon around me only wanted my money, so I came to see that I could get away wit life as long as I had my father’s wealth. But I was never happy, never satisfied I took that out on weaker men, using money.”

“Getting engaged to Haruka was of course not of my consent. I took it out on her; as you can see now that I became a bully. Then you came along. I hated that.  I was envious of you. You were perfectly content of your life. Haruka too, became much happier. Then I understood that each of you thought the other as an irreplaceable existence in your lives. I wanted to tear that apart, so I did everything that I have done. Seeing hope fade from your eyes was fulfilling, but only for a while. Bullying was always only for a temporary satisfaction. Today’s the final act. It’ll be the last time I brought sorrow to others.” Yukihiro’s eyes spilled tears, and he was smiling; sincerely.

“You can open the lock fro the inside, just use this card” He took out the card. I hesitated, maybe it wa a trap? I doubted it though. “Take it, don’t worry. It’ll be over. I lied abou Haruka having limited time to live. That was about me” I saw that hi outstretched hand was shaking. “No…” that quiet sound escaped my lips. “You’r a very lucky man, Ryosuke-kun. I'm sorry fo what i put you through” I checked my watch and saw that we ha wasted 40 minutes. I hastily took the card, opened the door, and saw the polic were in the middle of twiddling with the lock. “Sir, Yukihiro..I-I  think he drugged himself with something. He’ trying to kill himself!”


I was watching the leaves rustle at the park bench when I felt a tap on my shoulder. “Hey” a sweet voice said. “Hey” a smile crept up my cheeks. I patted the space beside me and the girl took it. “Is everything okay?” she asked. I nodded “Just breathing in the aroma of spring”. The girl rested her head on my shoulder. I cuddled her figure and started stroking her hair. That beautiful long black hair of hers. “I still feel as if I woke up from a nightmare that night.” She said, straightening herself and looked to my eyes. “Un” I said in agreement. “Yukihiro-san…” she stopped herself and shook her head.  “Yeah” I responded. “At least he was at peace with himself in the end” I said, letting her head return to my shoulder. “Un” I heard her murmur softly, closing her eyes. I kissed the top of her head.

No matter how many years; how many times the seasons change, I will never let go of this girl in my arms. “I love you Haruka”


Thank you readers~ especially if any of you had waited all this time for the ending. Sorry if it was a bit disappointing~ Once again thank you all so much :D

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