As Seasons Change Chapter 22

Dec 08, 2010 12:28

Sorry in the end it took me more than a week to post this D:

Disclaimer: JUMP members don't belong to me..they probably don't even know i wrote this XD

Winter Chapter 2: December the 25th

Days carried on by and the gloomy December air seemed to shine more and more as Christmas slowly approached. I tried my best to not think much about Haruka and filled myself with more activities, but it seems the image of her was always what I think about the first thing in the morning and the last before I fall into slumber. Not just that, even my dreams were filled with her.

“Remember, Christmas party!  My house, the 25th!  Bring sleepover stuff, we’ll probably chat until god knows when” Yabu told us once again on the 23rd, looking really enthusiastic. “You’re coming right?” Yuto asked “Of course, why in the world would I not come?” I said casually. He bobbed his head up and down and turned his attention elsewhere. “Okay, break is over!” Yabu called out shortly.

“Man, that was pretty intense” I spoke out loud to myself as I took the longer route home. I smiled weakly to myself as I watched couples walking by me and my thoughts once again filled with Haruka. I kept wondering to myself whether the bracelet I gave her held any meaning to her at all. A display of a store caught my attention and I stopped my tracks. My foot led me inside as it followed what my heart ordered my brain to do.

I sat cross legged on my bed, staring at the tiny parcel I held. I’ll just put it inside her mailbox tomorrow I decided and flopped myself down, placing the parcel on my nightstand. I covered my eyes with my arm and fell asleep.

“Merry Christmas!!” It was the 25th and I was at Yabu’s.   The party progressed smoothly and we were having tons of fun. Our chatters never died down and the laughter made the air seem to glow brighter. I was halfway eating my third helping of the cake when Dai-chan spoke up from the sofa “Yama-chan, keitai” He held out my vibrating cellphone. I placed my plate and took the cellphone from him “Arigatou. Hai, moshi moshi, Yamada desu” I answered without bothering to check who was calling. Silence.

I stepped out into the balcony, looking for someplace quiet to hold a conversation. “Moshi moshi?” I spoke again. I heard a faint sniff from the other side of the line. What the? I pondered “Is anyone there?” I tried “I…” the person finally spoke up. I listened intently for more. The sniffs grew more frequent “Ryosuke I..” Haruka I realized as I heard her crying voice more clearly now. “I can’t do this anymore” she said in between sobs “Haruka, where are you now?” I asked, worried. “Nnn” I pictured her shaking her head “Haruka, tell me where you are” I spoke more firmly this time. “The park near Edelweiss restaurant” she choked out after a long pause. That’s 10 minutes from here I realized “Ima iku” I said.

“I’m going out for a bit” I called out, reaching for my coat and was out the door before anyone replied. As soon as I was out the building I ran as fast as I could. “Haruka, you still there?” I asked from the phone, only to realize the battery was dead. I scoffed in annoyance and sped up.

“Haruka?” I called out, gasping for air. I wandered inside. The park was beautifully lit for today, and a few couples came to enjoy the view. I spotted her figure at last, sitting on a bench, still crying. Not giving myself another second to think, I approached her petite figure and crouched down in front of her.

I reached out and grasped her hand tightly “Haruka?” I said softly, barely a whisper. Every sob that came out
of her clenched my already aching heart. “Ha-“ before I could finish, she threw herself at me and buried her face on my shoulder, crying hysterically. I hugged her in reflex. “Shh…it’s okay” I said softly, gently stroking her hair. I whispered her words of comfort as she let out all her frustrations with every single tear she shed.

“Ryosuke I’m sorry“ she said after she had calmed down, staring straight into my eyes. “B-“ “What a wonderful reconciliation” a man approached us, clapping his hands in a mocking manner.  I recognized the person to be the man I met on Haruka’s birthday. I felt Haruka stiffen. “Haruka, didn’t I tell you to stay away from this guy?” the man sneered.  I stood up cautiously as he drew closer, blocking Haruka from view. “How manly of you” Haruka gripped one of my arms tight.

“Who are you?” I finally spoke up. “Ara, how rude of me to have not introduced myself” he smirked and I felt a chill run down my spine, reminding me of the time I felt someone following me on the road home. “How do you do Yamada Ryosuke” he snickered “You probably have heard of me…I am Tanaka Yukihiro”

I'm in a hurry so sorry I can't thank each and everyone of you one by one XD Thanks for everyone who read chapter 21~ :D

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