As Seasons Change Chapter 16

Oct 03, 2010 17:59

Disclaimer: blah blah blah blah blah (you get it XD )

Autumn Chapter 1:  The Start of Fall

I woke up at the sound of my alarm. I groggily sat on the bed and turned it off. I squinted my eyes, trying to make out what the words on the clock read Monday, 5 September 2011 read. I gazed at nowhere, something in my mind still not clicking. The sudden rattling on my door startled me.

“Ryosuke, are you up?” the loud voice of my mother sounded “You’ll be late for school” and I finally got it Schoo I turned to look at the freshly ironed uniform hanging on my bedroom wall. “Yeah I’m up!” I got up from the bed with new found energy and headed out to take a quick shower in the bathroom and get ready.

“Ohayou minna!” I yelled out as I stepped inside the classroom. All heads turned to me and everyone returned my greeting. “Ohayou Yamada-kun. How was your summer?” Mirai-chan asked me as she passed by. “It was great. Though I did catch a cold&rdquo Which led to some wonderful memories added to myself “How was work?” “It was awesome” she smiled widely “and-“

“Ohayou gozaimasu” Kamiki Ryunosuke’s voice rang out together with the sliding of the class door and I saw Mirai-chan blush. “Ohayou Ryun” I said, still staring at Mirai-chan. She fidgeted a bit and I understood. “Na Mirai-chan, moshikashite…” I started, my voice low “you two got together during summer?” her reddened face confirmed my suspicion and I grinned broadly “Congratulations!” I reached out and smacked Ryun’s back as he headed for his seat, making the said boy stop his tracks and rub his back. “Itai! Mou~ Ryou…what was that for?” I grinned at him and left to sit down, Ryun eyeing me weirdly.

“Ohayou” a couple came in hand-in-hand. “Ohayou lovebirds” I greeted Yuto and Ohgo. Yuto started his way
towards me while Ohgo wandered towards Mirai-chan. “Ossu” Yuto said cheerfully “Well someone’s happy” I teased him “Aren’t you too?” he teased back. I grinned.  Since we still met for work and hung out during the summer, we were well aware of each other’s conditions and liked to tease each other about it.

“Ohayou” Chinen stepped inside the classroom, looking a bit sulky and headed straight for us. “Ohayou.” We both spoke as Chinen took his seat “You don’t look happy” I added. “I had a fight with Umika” “Again?” Yuto inquired. “Hey, we don’t fight that often” Chinen retorted, annoyed at Yuto’s comment. “Just ‘cause you and Suzuka-chan never fi-“ “We do, you know. We just fix it quickly. We have a healthy relationship” Yuto
cut in smugly.

“What’s the matter this time?” I asked the downhearted Chinen “She’s been ignoring my requests recently” “Such as?” I asked for more detail. He looked at me “Refusing to go to places I suggest, not answering my texts, and today refused to come to school with me” he pouted “Maybe she’s busy” I suggested. Chinen didn’t respond and continued to pout. “You’re sure you didn’t make her mad beforehand?” Yuto asked, worsening the situation. Chinen raised his fist and started to swing it toward the desk but stopped midair. The color on his face paled and his eyes widen as he realized something. “Crap” he got up from his chair and shot out the class. “Er…what?” Yuto looked at me questioningly. “No idea” I said truthfully.

Chinen came back into class along with the ring of the bell with a look of sadness. “Daijoubu?” I asked him, concerned by the look on his face as he slumped into his seat beside me. He only shook his head slowly, not seeming to have the energy to open his mouth and the teacher came in, an annoyed Kawashima Umika behind him.

“Genki dasete” Yuto tried to cheer him up as we ate our lunch “It can’t possibly be that bad..” he continued. Chinen looked up at us. He had just finished telling us the reason why his girlfriend acted that way towards him. It turned out he had forgotten about their one year anniversary two weeks ago. “What can I do to make her forgive me?” he sighed out. “Bring her a big -and I mean BIG-- bucket of her favorite flowers and tell her you’re sorry” Yuto spoke out the cheesy line. “What?” he asked when he saw the look on our faces. “You’re so cheesy” “You’re a genius” Chinen and I said at the same time. I whipped my head towards Chinen. “You’re seriously gonna do that?” I couldn’t believe my ears. “Well…believe it or not, I think she’ll think that’s kind of sweet” he lightened up a bit. I rolled my eyes and continued to eat my bentou. Yuto smiled beside me.

My mind was occupied with the conversation at school today as I treaded my way back home. “Excuse me” a person tapped my shoulder and brought me back. “Yes?” I turned around. “I’m sorry, but could you tell me the way to the Akiyama household? I seem to have lost my way” the tall foreigner spoke in perfect Japanese. “Oh” I responded “Sure, it’s still a block from here. I’ll take you” I offered my help. “Thank you” he spoke out in relief.

I couldn’t help but keep glancing at the older man walking beside me. Since I didn’t want to be thought of as a nosy person, I did not inquire why this man was looking for Haruka’s house, but I couldn’t help feeling that something was nagging my conscience about him. There seems to be something familiar about this person, but it was pretty much impossible for me to know him, for I did not know any foreigners except those who worked at the jimusho or had some connections with Johnny-san.

“Right here sir” I spoke as we reached Haruka’s front gate. I pressed the bell and waited. Haruka opened the gate and was surprised to see me standing there. “R-Ryosuke” she stuttered, still not used to calling me by my first name “What are y-“ she stopped as she acknowledged the presence of the man standing behind me. Her eyes widen in utter disbelief and the words that came out in a flatly angry tone through Haruka’s gritted teeth finally made me understand why I thought the man seemed familiar.


How was it? How was it? *nags*
ruilian_thatsme  einzeru  cherryberrylove  mabz17  angelkimkawaii  chartreuse76 an jeztle07 thank you for the comments XD Thank you everbody who's reading from behind the shadows too XD

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