As Seasons Change Chapter 8

Aug 23, 2010 00:16

Sorry for the late update >_< I couldn't abandon my assignments any longer so I didn't have time to write XD and i kinda had a writer's block

Disclaimer: Don't own

Spring Chapter 8: A Bit Relieved

“Tadaima” “Ah, okaa-san okaeri”I got up from my seat and helped take her things back to the bedroom. “You must be exhausted, how was everything in Okinawa?” she smiled at me “I haven’t had my dinner yet so let’s eat and I’ll tell you about it” “Ah, hai” I said.

“Oishi~” my mother said as she took a bite “Nishi-san’s cooking is the best after all” she added. I smiled. Yes, the caretaker, Nishi-san who has been with us for as long as I knew had the best cooking in the world. We chatted happily as we finished out delicious dinner.

The thing that had been bugging me for a while crossed my mind once again. I fidgeted in my seat, not sure if I should tell my mother. Yamada-kun’s words echoed in my head. I fidgeted even more. “Haruka, are you okay?” my mother asked. I kept fidgeting, playing with my fingers. “Haruka?” I looked at her. “Well…..there’s something---“ her cellphone rang “Ah, sorry I have to take this” she looked at me apologetically. I nodded and she went to the living room to take the call.

“Is everything okay?” I asked as she came back in, looking rather upset. “I’m fine. What was it that you wanted to tell me?” I looked at her nervously. “I think I’ll tell you tomorrow, you look really tired. Get some rest?” I said. “No no no….just tell me what’s bothering you”

“….It’s regarding my engagement” I said in a low voice, staring at the table. “What is it?” “May I break it off?” I asked. She took a deep breath “Why?” she finally asked “I don’t think I’ll be happy if I continue.  He hits me when he’s angry” she stayed silent. I looked up. “Okaa-san, daijobu?” her face was rather pale, her hand massaging her temples. “I need to lie down” she said and left the room.

My cellphone rang. I read the message

From: Yamada-kun

Konbanw J

Ne~ Haruka-chan, how did it go with your Mom?

Did she agree?

I frowned How am I supposed to tell him about this? asked myself. After some thought, I decided to not reply the message at all. He doesn’t need my whining.

“My mother never brought the subject up again, but it seems she kept worrying about it. I felt guilty so I did not push the matter any further. And since there wasn’t anything I could tell you..I  didn’t contact you. ” I kept my mouth shut, not wanting to cut Haruka-chan’s story. At least now I knew why she didn’t contact me. “But then….2 days ago…”

“Okaa-san, aren’t you going to eat?” I asked her. She just eyed the food with no appetite. “I’m not hungry” she finally said. “But you seem to skip meals a lot these days, it’s not good for your health” I said worriedly. “I think I’ll go to bed early today” she stood up and walked out. My eyes followed her.

“Moshi-moshi, Akiyama-desu” I answered the phone “Haruka-chan, it’s Hatano, your mother’s secretary.” “Oh, Hatano-san, is everything all right?” I asked. “Your mother collapsed, she’s in the hospital” I stood shocked in place. “Wha?” “Please come immediately” she gave me the hospital’s address. I ordered a taxi, worrying the whole time.

“Haruka-chan, you’re here” “Is she okay?” I asked worriedly. “She’s fine. The doctor said she collapsed out of stress and lack of energy. The projects from Tanaka-san’s company have stopped and she has been stressing about it this whole time. The situation seems to have calmed down but she’s too exhausted and this happened.  The doctor told me to let her rest for now.” I sunk to the seat closest to me. “This is all my fault” I blamed myself. Hatano-san just stared at me in confusion for a second then spoke up “I’ll leave for now, take care” she bowed her head slightly and left.

“Is she better now?” I asked “She’s up, but she’s still weak” she answered. “This is all my fault” she murmured again. I looked at her concerned. “Stop blaming yourself” I told her. “But it is” she said in a low voice “I shouldn’t have asked her to break the engagement after all. Yukihiro-san’s father was an important client. When mother told him about breaking it off, he gave her a hard time.” she shook her head. “I shouldn’t have been so selfish.” She said, more to herself than me.  A tear fell from her eyes. I watched her helplessly. I was furious at this Tanaka guy. Why was he still making her suffer like this?! “At least it was nothing serious.  She’ll be discharged tomorrow” she cheered herself up. “Yeah” I said softly, not knowing what else to say.

“……umm..Haruka-chan?” “Yeah?” “Why were you out there today?” I asked the one thing that was still bothering my mind. “Like I said, I had to go to the conbini to buy something” “And your mother?” “She told me to go home….she said she wanted some time alone.” “Ah, sou….but why did you get so sick?” “I just have a weak body, that’s all.” She smiled bitterly. “The rain has stopped. I should head home now. My regards to your mother” She started to get up. “Wait, I’ll take you home” “There’s no need. I’m fine” she bowed and left with her things.

I sighed At least she’s free from that abusive guy now….right?

Pretty lame chapter.............gomen..... D:

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