I hate school, I hate life, I hate everything and I don't for see the suckiness of it ending any time soon.
Next week I have two major tests, on the same day... they were suppose to be a week apart but my teacher decided to move it.. for some unknown reason, and now I don't have time to study for both, cuz mind you tests or no I still have all my Normal homework to do.
I also have a paper due the day after the tests.. which my teach hasn't even bothered to assign yet... so I don't know what we are suppose to be writing about. which means I'll have to write it during the week, when I also have to study and still do all my normal homework.
But the real source of my hatred... I have an eight page book review to write... we discuss the book this Friday and the paper was suppose to be due the following Monday (Two days to write an 8 page paper? really?.....) but the teacher moved it to the next Monday.. so 7 days, that's a little better. But here's the problem.. I don't know how to even go about writing the damn thing. I read the book, I know what the book is about. But the real problem is it's an academic book, so it has a thesis and research to support that thesis, all that great stuff. But in this review we have to indicate the sources of the info and data.. this book has like a billion sources.. and I realize we're suppose to weed it out to only the important ones.. but I can't seem to figure out what the important ones are. I've been killing myself the last three days trying to organize the info and be responsible, only to realize that I'm no closer to figuring out what the hell I'm suppose to put in the paper and what I'm not than when I started.
So now I sit here, tired, crying from frustration and sick of doing homework and STILL not knowing what to do. I could e-mail the teacher.. but someone in class asked a question about the same problem I'm having and the teacher didn't bother to answer the question then, why would she answer my e-mail.
I'm sick of everything, and I needed to rant.. and my sister just gets annoyed at me getting upset.. which does NOT help matters. and I have one day before we discuss this thing and I have.. nothing.. absolutely nothing. I'm so screwed..