Practice, Projects, Prospect

Mar 30, 2006 23:44

OK, this is how things are going lately.

Since I´ve been following a Celtic Reconstructionist (CR) path for some time now, my practice is slowly becoming different for the basic meditation from my first post. In a typical day, I wake up, sit on bed and pray (currently in Irish, but doing some experiments with Labarion, a reconstructed Gaulish). After washing face and hands, I go to my altar and do a brief meditation/ceremony praising the Deity of the day and asking for blessings to my day. After this, I fix the breakfast and go to wake up my wife.
Driving to work, I meditate on the Deities in relation to the Nine Virtues of ADF, using a rosary/cord inspired by the one made by fflamgalon at her site.
As the morning passes, I try to be aware of what I do as something both sacred and mundane, with no discernible border dividing realities.
Driving to second workplace, around noon, I salute the Sun at midsky and do a meditation aimed to draw Sunlight to me and through me to the world, keyed to rhythmic breath (yes, I meditate a lot in my car -- I´ve thought to create a mini-sanctuary on it!); upon arriving, I have lunch, saying grace in Irish/Labarion (silently), then start the afternoon tasks.
Driving to the third workplace (there is a pattern there, isn´t it?;-))), about sunset, I meditate on the ending day and do a retrospective analysis (reckoning the day as beginning/ending on sunset, as the Celts of old used to do).
Driving home, I´m silent.
I bless my home when I get there, do a short prayer at my altar, shower, dress and fix the dinner to me and my wife.
Before I sleep, I give thanks and pray for a good and restful night.
Scattered through the course of the day, there are impromptu prayers of thanks, praise, offerings (I try to save a small part of every meal to offer at the home altar later, and from there to my favorite neighbourhood trees)and so on.
And that´s it.
I have two main projects, one collective and one individual.
I have a small group of friends studying Celtic culture and religion, working hard to create our webpage (sometime between this semester and next one) and forum, to discuss real-based Celtic themes with some solid foundation (no Atlantis, no Pink Fairies, no Lost Tribes of Israel, no fluffythings); me and some of the others are more CR-oriented, one have a more Shamanic leaning and other came from a Chaos Magick/Technomagic paradigm (no dissimilar from mine), and we rejoice at our diversity of worldviews and backgrounds -- may Gods, Ancestors and Spirits bless us!
My personal project is a hard one -- I intend to learn enough to create a reconstructed version of Celtiberian language and religion and, to do so, I became a member of Celticaconlang, and Continentalceltic Yahoo! lists.
If I succeed, I´ll became, if not a scholar in the strict academic sense of the world, at least a well-informed praticant of a Celtic path, with no intention of calling myself a "Druid" but able to give real worship to Gods, Ancestors and Spirits without superstitious, ill-informed or otherwise sloppy thinking behind it, and allied with a bunch of Celtophile fellows as stubborn, hard-working, curious and eager as myself.
May it be that way.

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