There are so many things I hate that they take up a ludicrous amount of space

Dec 13, 2009 12:11

So here's a list:
- Ugg boots
- People who complain about how hard school is
- When people say that a class is "easy" because they don't have to work hard
- People who cough without covering their mouths
- People who cough or sneeze into their hands, and promptly do something with their nasty hands (get silverware or salt packets, hand you something that you asked for, pay for something at a store, etc.)
- People who wear Ugg boots
- UMD's Black Student Association (but not the students themselves, who work really hard)
- People who ask hostile questions without having any idea what their own answers to those questions would be
- Unrealistically demanding people
- When people wear sweat pants and they're not at home or at the gym
- People who fall asleep in public places who aren't homeless.
- Juggaloes
- When many, many people ask a question that's already been answered over and over again because they're
a. Stupid
b. Not paying attention when the information to said question was originally provided
c. Absent and thus not around to have heard such answer/information
** see: Komodo Dragon- Popular music in general, but especially popular music made after 2003
- The fact that YouTube bans copyright-violating material, but youtube would probably not exist without:
a. Copyrighted material (esp. anime series that are not available in the US)
b. Cat videos
c. Soulja Boy Tell'em
...and that Soulja Boy should be banned for culturally poisoning our country.- When people tuck their sweat pants into their Uggs.
- That some motherfucker stole my glasses, so now everything gives me a headache, I doubly don't recognize people at a distance of ten feet, I squint constantly just to try to recognize things at such a distance, and winter hurts without having eye protection.
- When library patrons re-shelve books. If you go to the library, do not re-shelve your books. There is a 100% likelihood that you will put them in the wrong place. I have never, ever, ever seen a patron put a book in its proper place. Just put it face up at the end of the stack, or on the (probably) clearly designated "put books here for re-shelving" area. Reason for not re-shelving your books: You do not know the Library of Congress System OR the Dewey Decimal System, so just stop. Just stop. Please; I'm begging you.
- Not having any money
- Having many bills to pay
- Not having time to say goodbye to the people I want to say goodbye to
- Duct tape for anything martial arts related (it sticks, it's goopy, it's thick, and it's awkward. Electrical tape is way better)
- The way my facial hair grows
- Futon frames (but not the mattresses)
- Generic "sustainability" people who don't know what they're talking about
- Seeing a group of people (five or more) who are not talking to each other, but silently sending text messages to other people
- That my hands get really dry, but only when I'm at school
- George Lucas after he made Empire
- That my most recent Bit Torrent download stopped at 99.25%, and I can't seem to get it to start back up again
- That my brain drugs still make me really dizzy for about 30 minutes every morning, during which time I am basically a useless vertigo factory
- Finding creative ways to eat 3000 calories per day without eating fucking garbage
- People who think they know shit about anthropology, nutrition, biology, or human origins.
- White folks (not to be confused with "white people")

Things I Like a Lot
- My wife
- Greek Yogurt, unflavored
- Cotton swabs
- Doing a Jala Neti
- That I've gained 15 lbs since the beginning of the school year (hitting the gym, eating a lot, training hard)
- That I'll be done with school FOREVER within seven days
- Coffee
- Winter weather
- My current writing project that only two people know about that scares the hell out of me because it actually has some weightiness to it, and it's actually work--albeit work I'm not getting paid for
- Honey instead of turbinado sugar (which I just recently discovered)
- This Marantz recorder (which I've been borrowing and using for about a week now), that makes me look like Darth Vader during interviews
- Anticipation of working with an awesome artist on some collaborative writing project things, I guess, maybe, if it works out, because I hope it does.
- Libraries
- The view of the lake from my teeny, tiny room:

- That most of the adult women I know in Duluth are wizened lesbians in their 40's or 50's or friendly hippies with monsters living in their houses
- That I know the location of nearly every country on earth, except Antarctica, Greenland, the United States, Azerbaijan, Albania, Georgia, Australia, and New Zealand (thanks to map quizzes in my Geography class)
- Ursula K. LeGuin
- This book: Women's Rights, Human Rights
- Beef Jerky
- Kali stick fighting
- Not having a television, and thus not knowing what the fuck people are talking about when they mention some show on network OR cable television. (example: "...You know, like in 'Facing Haberdashing.'" "I don't know what that means." "'Facing Haberdashing.' It's a show on MTV/TLC/VH1/History Channel. It's a show about Hulk Hogan and Ozzy Osbourne, and also some large breasted black strippers with ugly faces. The goal of the show is to get as many camel lips in a bucket as possible in 15 minutes or you have to go to an island in the middle of the Amazon River with a camera crew. Last week Lemmy got hepatitis from Hillary Clinton. It's the new show that I get all my quotes from." "That's nice.")
- Drinking water
- That I will be officially CPR certified by the Red Cross in one week
- My new music problem, which involves a lot of death metal
- Wearing socks

training, photos, school, food, internet, home, angry

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