i know you put in the hours to keep me in sunglasses.

May 30, 2008 00:42

i've come to the point in my life where i think that most everything is perfect (or near enough to perfect), and i just want to share my obnoxious rays of happy-warm-feelings with the entire world. so, i get myself all ready to post to my lovely friends about...nothing. yep. i got nothing.

how are you guys?

basically, my life rocks right now. i have fallen madly in love with the absolutely most perfect guy on the face of the planet. i absolutely love the weather outside and the biking that i have been doing. etc etc etc.

but omg. i drank three glasses of wine before going to work today. just because i was bored. BORED. urgh.

so, anyway. some items, in no particular list of importance:

1. season four of grey's? WORST. EVER. OMG. i can't even describe how boring this show is to me now. BUT! ERICA HAHN? I LUFF HER. I LUFF HER SO MUCH.

2. i am currently writing a short story about aliens. ALIENS. and a brave little toaster warden in an all women's prison who must defeat them. with twists and turns! or something like that.

anyway, at first, abdicate_it refused to read it. now, she has agreed to maybe possibly pore over it one day, but assures me that she will not like it. updates as they come.

3. i don't care what any of you think, but this? is awesome.

4. my boyfriend and i recently had a conversation about vaginas. more specifically, about women and their vaginal holes. and i was all, "dude. women have THREE holes. pee hole, penis/dildo/finger/menstrual blood/whatever hole, poo hole."

and then he was all, "yeah. but WHERE is this pee hole, specifically?"

me: "well, duh. it's right...um..."

and then it occurred to me. I HAVE NO IDEA. don't look at me like that. i took health class in grade seven. i remembered the part about the three holes, didn't i?

anyway, in case you were interested, because i know i was:

5. i am now going to work my way through my fourth and fifth glasses of wine of the day. for those of you playing along at home, why yes. that would indeed be the whole bottle. keep me company? anyone?

food for the masses, mcvomit, among some talk of you and me, genderfuck

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