they gave me oranges and cigarettes.

Aug 13, 2007 16:04

two items regarding the continued strikethrough shenanigans, linked pretty much everywhere:

1. an open letter to LJ/6A by femmequixotic, the moderator for pornish_pixies, which seems to be ground zero for the recent fandom deletions.

2. this post by vichan, which presents a distinctly lighter view of the whole situation. which, let's face it, we all need a good laugh right about now.

this whole kerfuffle leaves me pretty speechless. there's nothing i have to say that others haven't said better than i ever could. i doubt i'll be tos'd, but still. fandom is scared, eljay. and scaring away a large part of your business is stoopid. we aren't even allowed to link to "obscene" material on other sites. you're going to drive us away, and then what? journalfen will send you a great big letter of thanks.

boy, am i ever glad that i never bought a paid account.


on a happier note, i have three consecutive days off work. what am going to do? drink some corona, smoke some cigarettes, visit the mother and the sister and the dog, drink some more corona, etc.

also: i watched "folsom prison blues", and now i am in dire need of some good sam/dean prison bitch fic. which i can't seem to find anywhere. linkage?

the family business, strikethrough two oh oh seven, doublemeat is double sweet

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